"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


We only get one life.  And I want to make the most of the one I have!  Don't you?
I am a wife, mother, grandmother and author who has discovered the joy and satisfaction life can give in spite of. . . maybe even because of. . . disappointments and hardships since I've turned the controls over to God and let Jesus Christ capture my heart and invade my spirit.
I'd like to invite you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live and experience all this life has to offer.
Dedication and FREE book offer:  I'd like to dedicate my first Abundant Living blog to approximately 50 million Unborn Children who have been killed by abortion in my country, the USA, since abortion was legalized on January 22, 1973.  My husband and I recently took a trip to northern Minnesota and on the way home stopped at the small city of Royalton, MN, to visit a memorial set in a graveyard there by a local chapter of the Knights of Columbus to honor all unborn children.  If any of you know of other memorials for the unborn, I would be pleased to hear from you.
My passion is to share the abundant life God offers us with others, and to value and protect life for others.  Many of my writings share this theme.  I have a personal interest because my youngest son, Joshua, is a miraculous gift from God!  I tell the pro-life tale of his birth in my book, Joshua's Story, which I am offering free today online to the first two hundred persons who sign up to receive a copy.
In weeks to come, I'll share excerpts from my books, along with bits and pieces of memories growing up as an only child in a farming community in west central Minnesota, everyday encounters recalled from raising my children, fresh experiences with my grandsons, and insightful moments of sharing life with my husband of 28 years on our quiet hobby farm in the countryside by a beautiful pond that is home to a vast assortment of birds and creatures during the gentler seasons of the year.
I look forward to getting to know you as together we explore and chart new territory in this journey called Life.  I will share 10 Keys to the Abundant Life with you that will unlock doors for us to explore in order to obtain success on our journey.
Picture in your imagination a magnificent doorway poised at the entrance to the unknown world of your future. . . in the Land of Abundant Life. . . a land filled with intrigue and adventure. Beyond the doorway, your world expands to infinity.  Also, behind this doorway are a multitude of additional closed doors, some of which we will investigate to find assistance and encouragement on our journey.
But first of all, we need to gain entrance through the doorway.  Maybe you have already taken that first step.  You can find out next week!  If you have, you are also invited to come along and discover with me additional ways to grow and make the most of your life experiences.
Please join me again next Wednesday when I will explain how to take the first and most important step on the roadway called "Abundant Living."  The following week, I'll give you the first of the 10 Keys that will unlock additional doors.  I'm sure the number of keys available to us is limitless, so I have selected 10 that I believe are crucial.  Be prepared to unlock the first of many doors and find practical ways to aid and inspire us on our journey.
*Please note that the title of my blog does not say "life without limits," but rather, "life beyond limits."  Some boundaries are necessary for our protection and security.  But when we walk with God, we discover that He often takes us beyond our natural limitations to carry out His grand purposes and goals for our lives.
That is what makes life so exciting!
Next Wednesday, I'll also share how you can enter a contest to win a copy of my novel, "The Rose Journal." 

Looking forward to seeing you again!


  1. This is a great blog Linda!Thank you!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Sherrill! I am very thankful to your daughter, Stephanie Page, for designing it for me!
