"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Anyone ready to venture a guess for the contest and win two free books?  My novel, The Rose Journal and its coordinating Bible study, The View From Eternity.  So far we have ILIVEBYTHEGOL....  and today you get a great big hint!  Just 7 letters to go including the one for this week, which is D, so that leaves only 6!  Only immediate family are not able to participate! Each person gets one guess, and does not qualify to win more than one time in each series.   We start a new series mid-February.
I hope you had a fabulous Christmas, celebrating the birth of our precious Savior!
Today my mind is focused on the future, the Year of our Lord, 2012.  And the best way for me to start the New Year right is to determine to spend quality time each day with my Lord!
Today I open the door to the Devotion Key room.  (Did anyone notice that I didn't enter a door last week?  The "Light" door?  Maybe it is because the light would have been far too strong for me to handle this side of Eternity.  Or maybe it is because I wrote the blog the week before Christmas when my brain was stuffed with holiday preparations and the concept of the Key slipped out???  I'll make up for it today!  This Devotion Door is nothing fancy, simple sturdy wood with beautiful, artistic grain designs.  I open it, expecting to see the grandeur of a garden, ocean or mountain setting, perfect for a quiet time to share with my Lord.  But no . . . it is instead filled with people going about their routines of daily life.  My hopes for an ideal place for Bible reading and prayer are dashed.
So what am I expected to learn here?  Yes, it is coming.  Bits and pieces of insights are poking through my tired, semi-muddled mind.  Of course!  If I was not engaged in the midst of active humanity, what would I find to pray about?  Yes, I understand the importance of following Jesus' example of regularly leaving the multitudes to be alone with God.  But I must also learn to cope with the interruptions of daily living and recognize those situations as topics I need to talk about with God.
So while I search for that private place . . . which may be over in that corner where I catch a glimpse of fresh air and greenery . . .  I will mingle with the crowds, listening for their prayer needs and knowing for a certainty that God is as near to me in a crowd as when I come to Him alone for my "Devotions."
Please notice that the key word"Devotion" for today's blog, is singular, not pluralized. That is because the word "devotions" symbolizes to many of us a duty to preform, not a joy to discover.
Once Jesus becomes the object of my "devotion," my devotions are no longer a duty but a desire.
I checked my old faithful dictionary, copyrighted 1970 (which doesn't seem that old to me!)  for the meaning of the singular word "devotion."  Here is what I found:
Definition for "devotion":  piety, religious worship, prayers, loyalty or deep affection. . . or the state of being devoted." 
Let's concentrate on that meaning "loyalty or deep affection."  You see, it helps me personally to realize that my Devotions (devotional time with God) springs from my Devotion to Him as my loving Father.  Then daily devotions become not a duty, but an opportunity to express my "loyalty and deep affection" to Him!  And I want to do that so much, because I earnestly want to be loyal to God because I do love Him, even though my love falls far short of His love for me.  Besides that, when any issue or concern enters my mind, my first inclination is to talk it over with Him and ask for His wisdom and peace about the matter.  However, I struggle, as I assume many of you do, with setting aside quality time each day to spend alone with God.  It seems like at my age, I should have "it all together"  but that doesn't appear to be happening!

Here are some ways that have been helpful to me for my own daily devotions, and might be to you, too.  I'd be happy to hear suggestions you might have also!
1.  Bible before breakfast . . . my husband told me this was a policy at his Bible school.  Sometimes I read the Bible before breakfast, but often I read it with my breakfast and my first cup of tea.
2.  Accountability . . . A close friend and I have the same chronological Bible (which she gave me :)) that takes us through the whole Bible in a year.  We have committed to reading it through every year for the rest of our lives.  And sometimes we'll share thoughts and insights with each other, since obviously, we are "on the same page."
3.  Keep Bibles in many rooms of the house.  . . (Aren't we fortunate here in the United States to be able to own several of these precious books written by God?)  Then, if we are caring for children, we can grab a Bible and read some at those unexpected times when they are playing quietly.  (I think I remember reading this suggestion by Ruth Graham, and I want to give proper credit! Hope I'm right about that . . . )
3.  Pray before getting out of bed in the morning. . . I always make a point to pray at least for my immediate family as soon as I wake up, unless my husband yells "fire" or something of that nature.  That tunes my heart and mind to God immediately and gives me the satisfaction to know that my husband, children and grandchildren have prayers "covering" them at the start of their day.  I know some of them awake before me, but I assume that my bedtime prayers "held" them until I awoke.  :)  Or my prayers for them during the night. . . and of course, it is God that "holds" them; my prayers are just a tool He choses to use for His purposes.
4.  Have a prayer list or prayer journal . . . Sometimes I pray for others while still in bed, but my schedule is different each day.  And if I refer to my prayer book, I know I won't forget to pray for specific people.  (I think I'll "devote" a blog to prayer at some point.  Too much to even begin to cover in this blog.  More than I could ever begin to cover in my lifetime, actually!  And, of course, many who are much wiser than me have devoted books to the topic; their books are helpful for me to read.) Some days, I use my prayer book right away in the morning; other days I find some time later during the day to kneel at my bedside; sometimes I pray while I drive (with my eyes wide open :)).
5.  Talk to God all day long. . . The Bible says to "pray without ceasing."  Even if I am not forming words, I can be aware that God is with me at all times and hears my fervent prayers and understands my quiet appreciation of His companionship.  And of course, He's right there to prompt me whenever I need to confess a sinful thought.  Wish I didn't have those . . . when I get to heaven, I won't.  What a relief that will be!
The main thing is to remember that our Devotional time with God needs to come from our genuine desire to show Him our loyalty and love.  And that I is what I want to do all day long!  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Jesus is the Light of Life.  That is what Christmas is all about!  The Son of God came into this world, as both God and Man, to dispel the darkness of the evil one and provide a way for all humanity to discover true freedom.
I love the phrase in the old Christmas carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem, that says, "The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Him tonight."  Isn't that so true?  The full range of emotions that all humanity has experienced or ever will experience were laid on Jesus Christ.  At Christmas, we celebrate God's gift of His only precious Son who temporarily left His throne in heaven so He could feel as we feel, suffer way beyond any sorrow we experience on this earth . . . in order to share His forever Kingdom with the ones He created and loves.
As I read through the December readings in my daily Bible (which is in chronological order, by the way, and so easy to understand!), I am amazed at how often the word "light" is used.  I knew my topic this week would be on light, so I've been thinking about it.  You know how it is when you have a certain thing in your mind, you see it everywhere?  Like when I had my first baby, I was astounded to see that babies were nearly everywhere!   I hadn't paid that much attention to them before I had one of my own.
Here are some examples just from recent daily readings:
"Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world . . . "  John 8:12
"for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light" from Ephesians 5:8
"for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth" Ephesians 5:9    Had you noticed that before, the phrase "fruit of the light"? I am well acquainted with the "fruit of the Spirit" but "fruit of the light?"  Is this an instance where "Spirit" and "Light" are used interchangeably?  The Bible says Jesus is the "Light" and we know the Holy Spirit, God the Father and Jesus are One, so it makes sense!
Another verse, "but now has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,"  2 Timothy 1:10
"But you are . . . a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."  1 Peter 2:9
Even from these few passages, we learn that Jesus Christ is the Light, and He gives light through the gospel. Believers  are "His light" and expected to live in all goodness, righteousness and truth and to declare His praises!
It would be exciting to do a word study on "light" throughout the Bible.  Hmmmmm. . . maybe later . . .
In one of my earlier blogs on Keys to Abundant Life, I talked about how each one of us travels to eternity in either the Kingdom of Darkness or the Kingdom of Light.  It is Jesus Christ alone who has the power to rescue us from the dark land and transfer us to His kingdom of eternal peace and joy, through His sacrifice on the cross to pay for the sins of those who confess Him as Lord.
I did a short study of the scientific properties of light and listed them to show how Jesus Christ is a fulfillment of those aspects in the spiritual realm.  This seems to be an appropriate time to share the "Light Chart":
Causes plant growth                    Creates life and spiritual growth (1 Cor. 3:6-7)
Enables one to see clearly            Causes us to see God's truth (John 14:16-17, 26)
Produces energy (stored light)      Gives us energy and strength (1 Peter 4:11)
Illuminates the darkness and
cannot be destroyed by it             Has power over the darkness of evil (Ecc. 2:13)
Causes reflection so we can
see ourselves                             Causes us to see our true selves, our sin (Is. 6:1-5)
Can be absorbed by an object,
sharing energy and warmth          We live, move and exist in Christ. (Acts 17:28)
Can cause chemical change
without changing itself                 Christ indwells believers, yet He does not change
                                                and does not consume us.  (Rom 8:11, Mal. 3:6,
                                                2 Cor. 5:17)
This Christmas may each of you rejoice in the freedom God offers to belong to His Kingdom of Light, through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, and honor the Name of Jesus, the true and only  source of Light in a world of darkness!  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I had a dream last night that was so amazing I have to share it with you!  I am not claiming that it was a vision or any special visitation from God, but it spoke to my heart and clarified things in my mind.
I was in a modern day courtroom and some undefined person was on trial.  During the session, the judge, an ordinary, yet professional-looking, man, stepped down from his bench and walked out to the middle of the room, turning to face the person on trial (who was in the witness seat) and began to sing, acapella (without music).  In a powerful, perfectly tuned voice he sang the lyrics to the old hymn "Saved by the blood of the Lamb."  (I didn't even realize I knew all the words to that song, but they must be buried in my subconscious!) 
       This is what I heard:  (Maybe you know the tune; it is an old hymn)
              "Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
               Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
               Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
               Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
               Are you washed in the blood, 
               In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb?
               Are your garments spotless; are they white as snow?
               Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?"
The KEY to the doorway in the Land of Abundant Life that I'm using today is for OPTIMAL OPTIMISM.  God's grace is what it is all about.  I tend to be a perfectionist, not in regard to other people.  I can accept and love others for who they are, but I am very tough on myself.  As a child, I tried hard to follow the rules (still do!), in my futile attempt to do everything the right way.  Which is one reason I battle frustration, when I don't live up to the imposing standards I set for myself.  And unfortunately this mindset carries over at times to my spiritual life.  I want to do everything right when I follow God, knowing at the same time that I am powerless to save myself, but get drawn into the false senerio that if I can somehow live the "right way" I'll please God more.
Which is utterly impossible!
I am saved only by believing, trusting in His unfathomable grace, His precious gift of His own blood spilt for me on the cross of Calvary.  I know this and have staked my life on this fact for many years, but I also need to remind myself that there is nothing I can do to cause Him to love me more, or value me more.
As a parent, I recall incidents when my children were young.  Sometimes they would get overtired and crabby, or even be downright disobedient (Yes, even my own wonderful children misbehaved at times.  It's hard for me to believe now since they all grew up to be terrific, thoughtful adults!)  But even when they were "out of sorts," my love for them didn't change one little bit.  God is better at loving than I am, so why would I expect less from Him?
My dream helped to clear things up in my mind and give me a further glimpse into the loving heart of God.  His love for us does not depend on anything we do or the state of our emotions.  "But God demonstrated His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8
We are all on the witness chair . . . prisoners actually . . .  until we receive the fabulous gift that God offers us at Christmas  . . .His amazing sacrifice when He gave His only son . . . equally precious to Him as my own children and grandchildren are to me . . . (even more, because His love is perfect; mine is clouded by sin). . . . to set me free from the bondage of sin
                                      .  .  . the destiny of sin: an eternal future in hell
                                                .  .  . and a life of despair and futility, controlled by sin.
I hope that, if ever confronted with a situation where I could be given the opportunity to give my own life for another person, I would be willing to do so at the time.  But I know for a fact that I wouldn't send in my own son as a sacrifice!  And yet that is exactly what God did when He gave us His Son, Jesus, to die in our place,"to pay the debt He didn't owe because we had a debt we couldn't pay. " (author of quote unknown)
Today, I was only allowed a peek into the Door of Optial Optimism, because this room is where our future Hope resides.  Our "certain Hope," held securely in the loving hands of Christ, will be fullly revealed in Time, or rather at the end of Time as we know it.  I saw through the peekhole a kalidescopic of images, an assortment of visions . . . the original nativity scene,
          with Mary and Joseph kneeling besides the manger that contains the body of little Lord Jesus
          . . .  in the background a dimmed vision of the cross containing the body of our selfless Lord Jesus
                 . . . and further beyond that the image of our King Jesus as the clouds part and give way to the eventual second return to this earth of our magnificent Savior when "we who are alive and remain will be caught up . . . in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:17 
Just think!  We who are living today may not even experience death!  Christ could return at any time to take His children home with Him.  And if I do die first, I'll go to be with my Lord in heaven forever!
Now isn't that OPTIMAL OPTIMISM???  Nothing I can do will save me or make God love me more than He already does!  I simply rest in the protective hand of Jesus, scarred by the nails and stained by His blood.  I live my under the shelter of His wings, learning to love Him more and more as I walk with Him day by day and let the freedom He gives bring me joy and inspire me to share the good news with other prisoners along life's roadway.
Have you read the last chapter of the Book?  I have!  And I found out that we win!  God is the victor over Satan and, as God's children, we get the privilege of sharing in the victory of our King!
I hope that today you also make sure that you are depending on the blood of Christ to set you free from sin and Satan's domination to walk hand in hand with Jesus day by day, depending on Him alone with hearts filled with thankful amazement for what He gave to make freedom possible for us.
Thank you, Abba (Daddy) Father, for rescuing me, for giving me an Abundant Life and a future filled with hope, to spend in Heaven with You and the ones I love that love You, too!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Are you excited about Christmas gift giving?  I am!  I try hard to select the perfect gift for those on my list, especially my children and grand-children.  I had the most fun choosing birthday and Christmas presents for my two grandsons this month.  I can't wait to give them their presents and see their precious faces light up with joy!
Do you suppose that is how God feels about the things He gives us?  The Bible says "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights . . . "  James 1:17   So we know that everything in our lives that is good is a gift from our heavenly Father.  If I take such care to choose the perfect gift for my children, imagine how much thought and preparation God puts into choosing just the right gifts for His children!   And how much joy He feels when He sees our excitement in receiving them!

I think it's time for a brief explanation to any of you who happened to drop by here recently without knowing how I got started blogging.  For several months, I have been exploring the Land of Abundant Life in my little lavender flowered vehicle.  I was given KEYS to open one of a  multitude of doors each Wednesday and use my findings to enrich my life and, hopefully, the lives of those around me.
Today I hold the KEY: GIFTS FROM GOD and feel like a little child who can hardly sleep the night before Christmas, eagerly anticipating the surprises in store upon awakening!
The door itself looks like the outside of a giant box with gold and silvery sparkling gift wrap, shimmering with a multitude of translucent stars.  My finger shake like a bowl full of jello as I attempt to insert the key into the golden lock.  After three tries, I succeed and swing the door wide.
Oh my goodness!  The tree planted in the center of the enormous, open space is the largest one I've even seen.  Giant redwood trees in California are like matchsticks compared to this one.  It reaches all the way to the heavens!  I can't see the top of it even when I tip my head way back.  The leaves, shining in brilliant shades of green (I didn't know there were so many shades!) hold glittery fruits of all colors, sizes and shapes on its sturdy branches.
My gaze is drawn to the boxes under the tree.  There are nine containers of different sizes and shapes, all wrapped in vivid hues of fabulous colors.  And guess what ?!  They all bear my name:       To my precious daughter, Linda Ruth, from her heavenly Father.
Incapable of moving at first, I stand and stare, frozen like a snowman (or snow-woman) until I hear a voice saying "Open and enjoy."
Then, like a dog let off the leash, I run to the tree and kneel besides it, my heart fluttering with anticipation.  Rather than taking the time here to describe each gorgeous box, I'll open them one by one and elaborate on the contents.  In the midst of my excitement, an intruding though catches me off guard.   I briefly hesitate.  Do I tear the paper, or save it?  (My economical streak comes into play here)  I'm too excited; I'll tear!
The first one holds an abundant supply of LOVE.  "We love, because He first loved us."  1 John 4:19  Of course!  It is only because of God's active love for me when sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to the cross to pay for my sins, that I am able to receive even one of these treasured gifts.  Oh, this is something I have wanted for so long; how good of You to provide it for me, Father God.  You are so amazing!   Words can't express my thanks; I will hold this gift of love to my heart forever.
Next, I open the gift of  JOY.  ". . . the joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10b   How fun, Father!  This one will be most enjoyable and I can share it with everyone else that You put into my life.  That will make it even more exciting!
Third is PEACE.  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you . . . Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."  John 14:27  Oh, Lord, you know how much I needed this!  I hope I never lose it; I must remember to put it in a safe place where I can find it easily whenever I need it.  Better yet; I'll carry it with me.
Now I receive PATIENCE.  "On Thee I wait all the day."  Psalm 25:5b   Lord, You are so practical.  Yes, I really do need this one.  You know of course about that situation . . . and that person . . .  I will make good use of this gift.
Next is KINDNESS.  "And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."  Ephesians 4:32  How thoughtful of You, Father.  This is another one that I can pass along to others.  
GOODNESS.  " .  let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."  Galatians 6:10b   Oh, I see right away this present will be most useful, on a daily basis.  It is the gift that just keeps on giving!
FAITHFULNESS.  "Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life."  Revelations 2:10b  Thank You so much for this one. I was starting to worry that I wouldn't be able to use all these gifts wisely.  But as long as You are helping me to be faithful, I know it can be done.
GENTLENESS.  "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth."  Matthew 5:5  Oh, I do so want this one to look good on me!  I hope it matches my eyes.  Do You think it does, Father?
SELF-CONTROL.  What a perfect fit, Father!  This one will go with any of the other presents and even maximize their usage.
This is all too overwhelming!  Help me to remember, Lord, that You have given me each one of these so I put them to good use every day of my life.  Or, on second thought, should I save some of them for an emergency?
What was that?  Any unending supply?  Oh, how perfect!
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."  Galatians 5:22-23a
Have you checked out your personal gift room in the Land of Abundant Living?  

How are you doing with the contest?  ILIVEBYTHEG . . .  In a couple of more weeks, someone may be ready to venture a guess.  Remember you only get one chance!
See you next week!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I am dedicating the Empathy Key to my mother, whose birthday is November 28.  My mom now resides in Heaven and, although I have learned to accept her absence, I still miss her as much as ever.
My mom's name is Ruth, which means "compassion."  That characteristic is probably the best way to describe my mother.  Compassion and Empathy go hand in hand; hence the reason for this blog. (Besides, I needed an "E" for the contest!)
So why would a Key for helping other people give me a more Abundant Life?  One reason was touched on in my last blog . . . remember the "mid-day" face?  Whatever good we do for another human being not only comes back to us, but it enriches our life experience.  Of course, if we only do good for another for the purpose of enriching our lives, the act will backfire and create bitterness in our own hearts instead of joy.  Father God, please make my motives pure and unselfish always!
One can't be truly compassionate without possessing the ability to empathize.  People always came first to my mom.  Growing up in the fifties and sixties, I lived with my parents in a small farming community.  People would often just drop in on one another to visit, seldom bothering to call ahead.  When my mother took me with her to call on a neighbor, we usually found the neighbor at work.  Many of the people we visited would continue on with her chores while we talked.  But when someone would drop in on us, Mom never failed to set her work aside and give our guest her full attention.  She cared deeply and sincerely about other people and they could tell, just by being with her.
My mother had a beautiful solo voice (which is beside the point, but so much a part of how I remember her that I needed to mention it!) A few days before she left for her new home in Heaven, I asked her to save a seat in the heavenly choir for me.  I didn't receive a similar talent in this life, but I am counting on possessing a beautiful singing voice in the next one!
Back to the Empathy Key:  This door is shaped like a huge red heart.  Not much thinking needed here.  The reason is obvious, because the Empathy Key opens the door to another person's heart!  Am I correct?  YES!  As I turn the knob, the door swings open to a vast assortment of humanity . . . some wealthy, others poor; some well-dressed, others wearing rags; some sparkling-clean, others scrungy-dirty; some healthy, others in obvious pain.  A group of men play basketball, some of them wearing braces and prothesis or braces on their legs.  Others sit in wheelchairs and watch the game, cheering on their friends.
But in spite of the suffering I see exhibited, no ones seems unhappy.  Smiles are all around . . . people lending a hand, serving food, caring . . .  A young girl in a wheelchair reads a story to a blind woman.  A well-dressed, elderly woman sits with her arm around a young homeless man, listening with rapt attention to his story.  A young boy wipes the nose of a toddler.
There are no walls in this place, no cubicles.  Each person has an open heart ready to receive the pain of another and extend pleasure in return.  No one seems to feel lonely; all can find someone who will take the time and make the effort to understand.
Please take notice, I am talking here about the practice of empathy, not sympathy.  Sympathy has its place . . . at funerals, in hospitals, etc.  But Sympathy can only go so far to help another person.  Sympathy satisfies a temporary and genuine need. . . to acknowledge pain and give permission to cry, hurt and grieve.  Sympathy holds and comforts.
But Empathy lifts up another.  It meets another person in the deep part of the soul . . . and truly feels their pain . . . thereby giving them encouragement to go on . . . to put the pain behind them or move ahead in spite of it.
Sympathy holds and comforts.
Empathy comforts and heals.
Empathy trusts God to use our uncomfortable and painful life experiences to give assistance to others.  Then my trials will not be wasted, if I can use them to help someone else going through a similar situation.  " . . . God of all comfort; who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."  2 Corinthians 3b,4
Empathy can even listen with understanding to someone from another station in life.  We all know what it feels like to know rejection, fear and anger . . . to name a few emotions.  Even if the situation is different, we can remember a time in our own lives when we felt similar emotions and with God's help and our imaginations, apply those feelings like a bandaid to another's wounds.
Sympathy stands outside and looks in with pity on the sufferer.  
Empathy enters that place and walks besides the one who suffers.
My middle name is "Ruth (Compassion)."  Father God, please let me live up to my name and use the shadows in my past to bring sunshine to others.
Anyone memorizing the verse I post each week in the box on the right?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Want to see a picture of my little vehicle?  Thanks to these photos provided by RG from Edinbrook Sunday School, I am able to provide a picture of a similar automobile, though of a different color.
(Since my own vehicle is in my mind, it would be difficult to take a picture of the exact car.)
I'm sure you understand. Remember, my car is painted lavender and decorated with delicate green vines.
The car in the photo has special memories for me because my son, J, and I did Vacation Bible School dramas in it as a team many years ago.  We had the most fun going through the car wash!  "Our" car has been preserved all these years and is now making a come-back on stage as part of the Edinbrook Sunday School's current theme, which is in their curriculum for the year:
Pit Stop . . . Pull over for Gratitude Adjustment!
So come with me today as we use our Happiness Key to open the door to our Pit Stop where we'll take a Thanksgiving Break to check and see if our Gratitude Tanks need to be filled!
Oh dear, mine is getting low.  It's good I pulled over and stopped!  Sometimes my tank gets low when I find myself taking for granted all the blessings God immerses me in each day of my life.  So many in this world don't have a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in, a fresh, hot shower every day, the privilege of choosing basically any food they want from the shelves of a local grocery store.  May God give me a thankful heart this Thanksgiving season and the desire to share His gracious, bountiful gifts with others.
I wasn't sure whether to entitle this blog "Happy Thanksgiving" or "Happiness is . . . "  because, you see, happiness is so tied in with thanksgiving.  When I think about all the good God gives me, I have to really struggle to remain unhappy.  And, believe me, the effort is not worth it!
      Do you remember that little song of years back?
     "Happiness is to know the Savior,
      Living a life within His favor,
      Having a change in my behavior,
      Happiness is the Lord.
      Real joy is mine,
      No matter if tear drops start,
      I've found the secret,
      It's Jesus in my heart!"
So what is Happiness/Joy and how do we get it?  
First of all, I have heard many people complain that God doesn't want them to be happy.
I read a passage in my daily Bible reading today from John 15 where Jesus is talking to His followers.  He has told them "As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in My love.  If you obey My commands you will remain in My love . . . I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. "  John 15:9-11
God wants His children to be full of joy.  In fact, joy is one of the fruits of His Spirit, a gift to those who put their trust in Him.  Happiness can be a fleeting emotion, sparkling on top of the stream of life, whereas joy flows deeper, providing the sustenance of our stream and producing currents hold us up and provide direction through life.
So, as the little song says, how can we find happiness/joy in our daily lives?
Let's take it line by line:  
1.  "Happiness is to know the Savior."  Joy is a by-product of the relationship we have with our heavenly Father, through faith in Jesus Christ.  One of the greatest secrets of happiness is that when we stake our lives on His goodness and mercy, even if everything in our world seems to crash to the ground, we can depend on the knowledge that we have a future in heaven where we will experience the state of constant, total joy forever.
2.  "Living a life within His favor."  In the Bible verse I quote above, it states, "If you obey my commands, you will remain in My love."  When we obey God's commands (which are given for our own good, for example:  God forbids us to steal partly so no one will steal our stuff!) we live without the bondage of guilt that takes the joy right out of our lives.  Guilt is a huge joy-stealer.  
3.  "Having a change in my behavior."  When I choose to live the way God wants me to live I feel at peace with Him.  When I focus on trying to make other people happy, they usually respond to my consideration of them, which gives me pleasure.
4.  "Happiness is the Lord."  The Bible says, "Rejoice in the Lord . . . "  Philippians 4:4a
He alone is the source of real joy!
5. "Real joy is mine."  Here we will focus further on the difference between joy and happiness.  As human beings living in this fallen world, we cannot expect to exist in a state of constant happiness.   Normal life is full of ups and downs.  "Christian women (and men) can go through periods of depression and still have an underlying sense of peace, knowing that God and His purposes are greater than our emotions.  Our faith is based on truth, the certainty of His Word, not our feelings."  (taken from The View From Eternity, written by myself.)
Happiness does not mean a life with no problems.  Jesus said "In this world you will have trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33b
Now I need to check my tank for my own Gratitude Attitude.
1.  Do I belong to God?  Am I sure I am His child?  Am I aware of and expressing thanks to God for all that He gives me?  
2.  Am I trying to please my loving heavenly Father by obeying Him?  
3.  Am I focusing on trying to make others happy?  A passage in Isaiah 58:6-11gives us a prescription for finding happiness during those gloomy days when we try to fight off feelings of self-pity or loneliness.  Verse 10 states:
      "And if you give yourself to the hungry, 
      and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, 
      then your light will rise in darkness, and your gloom will be come like midday."
Note that last verse especially, "Your gloom will become like mid-day.'  Picture our gloomy expressions replaced with sunny (mid-day) faces because of the satisfaction we find when we help others!"  (Taken from The View From Eternity, written by myself.)
4.  Am I looking to God, prioritizing my relationship with Him, expecting Him to fill my "joy" tank? 
5.  In spite of my circumstances, am I training my mind to know contentment?  Have you ever felt discontent, greedy and happy at the same time?  Or contented and unhappy at the same time?  Neither combination works, does it?  Philippines 4:8 gives us the formula for "Happy thinking."  A great passage to memorize!
This Thanksgiving, and afterwards, let's pour our lives into pleasing God and making other people happy.  Then we'll see our Gratitude tanks filled to the brim and overflowing!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've had time on my mind lately.  Maybe it's because we are nearing the end of 2011 and getting closer to my next birthday in January.  It seems like I just finished celebrating the last one!
Just the simple word "Time" conjures up so many thoughts and images.
For example, Thanksgiving Day will be here soon, so . . .
     "It is time to be thankful."  (When isn't it?)
          "It's about time."
               "I'm just killing time." (What have you got against it?)
                    "Time heals all things."
                         "Be on time." (I wonder what it means to be under time?)
                              "Manage your Time."
What is Time?  Will we always have Time in some form?  Or will it disappear when Eternity comes?
The doorway of the Time Key looks imposing, kind of like a grand-father clock: tall, stately, polished.  Will its room filled with clocks?  Probably not; I haven't been correct in my guesses so far.  Why should I be right this "time?"
Yup, I was right!  I was wrong.  :)  The Time Room appears to have no end; at least no borders are in sight.  And there is only one object inside . . . a huge, elaborately decorated treasure chest.  It is so much larger than me.  I need to tip my head to see the top.  In fact, I would need to stand on a ladder just to reach the keyhole, which is higher than my head.  I don't see any ladders nearby.  And I don't have the key for the chest either.  Guess I won't be getting into it.
So what does it mean?  What am I supposed to learn from this?  From a nearly empty room . . . that is filled with Time?  Hmmm . . . that's it!  Time is a treasure chest!  My own limited Time here on this earth is my treasure.  
I've heard it said that we all  . . . both rich and poor . . . have equal minutes in our days, 24 hours apiece. (Though I beg to question that theory.  Some of us need more sleep than others!)
I need to pause a moment here and contemplate this revelation.  What exactly is a treasure?  I suppose it could be described as a  thing of great value, a privilege, a responsibility, a reward for a seeker.
So in what way is Time my treasure chest?  
First of all, My Time is of great value, not to be wasted.  Not to be "killed."  I realize that doesn't mean no time should be permitted for fun or rest, both of which are necessary for our mental health and the proper function of our bodies.  But the older I get, the more aware I am that Time is slipping by!  I do so want to make the rest of my Time here on Earth to count for Eternity!  That is one reason I am getting really tired of cleaning my house.  I enjoy a clean and orderly home, and greatly appreciate it when I have finished my cleaning chores.  But I get frustrated when I spend hours doing the same thing over and over that I have done for so many years!  I want to use the Time I have left to create . . . to write . . . to influence (for good!) people that I care for . . . even people I have never met.
Secondly, Time is a privilege.  "As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.  When the wind has passed over it, it is no more; and its place acknowledges it no longer."  Psalm 103:15-16  
I have been given over sixty years so far (Yes, that is a fact though, hopefully, I take after my mother and don't look my age.  If that is not true, please don't feel a need to correct me on this point.)  Only God knows how many more years I have to enjoy on Earth before He calls me Home.    So I need to make an effort to use my time wisely and pray the words of Psalm 90:2 for myself:  "So teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom."
Third, Time is a responsibility.  Ok, so I will continue to clean my house.
But beyond that, this is my prayer:  "O God, You have taught me from my youth; to this day I declare Your wondrous works.  Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come."  Psalm 71:17-18  Please give me more opportunities, Father, to declare the Truth of Your Word to others.
And Fourth, Time is a reward.   Because I know Jesus as my Savior and my Lord, my Time here will melt into Eternity and continue on for everlasting!  "But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children, to those who keep His covenant, and who remember His precepts to do them. "  Psalm 103:17-18
THE BEST THING ABOUT TIME:  God stepped into Time when He permitted His own Son  "Immanuel (God with us)"  to enter this Earth as a newborn baby, at that Time we celebrate as Christmas,
. . . to grow to become a Man (fully God yet fully Man with all human needs, feelings and emotions),
. . . to willingly pay the cost (suffering the torturous death on a simple, wooden cross) of my own horrendous sin that would send me to everlasting Hell if He had not intervened,
. . . to fulfill the amazing purpose of God's demonstration of love from before Time began, and because I accept Jesus' death as substitute payment for my own sins, to eventually bring me to heaven to live with Him for all eternity!

"You are my hope, O Lord God . . . My praise shall continually be of You."  Psalm 71:5a, 6b
"Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day."  Psalm 71:8
May all my Time ("all the day"be filled with Your praise and Your glory!

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Sunday, November 13, 2011


Do I hold in my hand the key to the Secret of Youth?
"And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:2-3
This is actually Key # A6.  I accidentally published the scripture verse as soon as I started my newest blog.  So, as far as the contest goes, there is only one "Y"!  Hope this doesn't confuse anyone!
We have so far:  ILIVEBY
As I approach the next door with my Youthfulness Key, my hopes rise dramatically.  Now that I am definitely past age 29 (!), I wonder if this doorway could possibly hold the "key" to reclaiming my youth?  Maybe the door will swing open to reveal the genuine Fountain of Youth that has been sought for ages?  Anything seems possible in the Land of Abundant Life!  Or maybe the scene will remind me of a spa . . . one from antiquity similar to the one that the biblical Queen Elizabeth benefitted from during the year before she went to the king.
My hears beats rapidly and my steps already seem lighter as I hasten to insert the key and throw open the door with an unexpected, youthful burst of energy.
Oh, my!  I should have known.  It's a playground, filled to capacity with children engaged in all sorts of activities.  Swings, slides, games, races, crafts, a swimming pool . . . Whatever children love to do seems to be provided for them here in this enormous nature-gymnasium.
I do love children.  They are soooo cute!  That boy even looks a lot like . . . oh, it is!
"Grandma!"  Big C, my almost-six-year-old grandson, comes running to meet me.  "I didn't know you were coming here!"
" I'm surprised to see you, too, Sweetie."
"Why are you here?"
"Well, I think . . . I think I'm supposed to learn something from you."
"Oh, that's cool!"  His face lights up and he grabs my hand.  Little c is here, too!"  He pulls me over to his brother, who immediately stretches out his chubby arms to be picked up.   I willingly oblige.
"Watch me, Grandma!"  Big C runs to show me his newest trick on the monkey bars.  I clap my hand with affection and affirmation.  He beams.
"Ba-Ba."  Little c looks at me expectantly.
"What, honey?  Oh, you mean 'bottle!' You are hungry."
Little c nods vigorously and points to a bottle sitting on the counter nearby.  I reach for it, cuddle my precious grandson in my arms and feed him.  Little c's eyes fasten on my face as his fingers gently play with my dangling earrings.
Contentedly, I watch Big C and the other children.  
I hear a voice, "What do you see, Linda?" The voice startles me at first, but nothing really surprises me here for long.
"Children playing," I answer immediately.
"Describe them."
"Well . . . " I observe Big C.  "Carefree, exuberant, curious, adventurous . . . "  I notice Big C stoop down to help a playmate who had fallen,  "loving."  My gaze turns to Little c in my arms.  "Contented, dependent, trusting . . . "  I see him return my smile,  "responsive, secure."
"Those who become like little children enter the kingdom of heaven."  
"But how can I become like a little child?  I'm too old for the monkey bars.  I feed myself quite efficiently.  I'm capable of earning my own living."
It's preposterous to think I need to lose or ignore those skills to live in God's kingdom!  It must be those qualities I listed.  Hmmm  . . . let's consider them.
1.  Carefree:  "casting all your anxiety upon Him, because cares for you."  1 Peter 5:7
2.  Exuberant:  (I recalled how happy my grandsons were to see me, excited just to be in my presence!)  "But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord my refuge . . . "  Psalm 73:28a
3.  Curious:  "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  2 Timothy 2:15."
4.  Adventurous:  "let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith . . . "  Hebrews 12:1a, 2b
5.  Loving:  "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I (Jesus) have loved you, that you also love one another."  John 13:34
6.   Contented:  ". . . I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."  Philippians 411b
7.   Dependent:  "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:19
8.  Trusting:  "Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding." 
9.  Responsive:  "We love, because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19 
10.  Secure:  "Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; like a weaned child rests against his mother . . . "  Psalm 131:2a
Oh, Father, please help me to be like one of these children, lying contentedly in Your capable arms, clinging to Your hand, knowing for a certainty Your promise is true that "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  Hebrews 13:5b
Therein lies the secret of youthfulness.

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Hope to see you next week!


Hello friends, I made a major "Grandma Goof-up" on my last blog!  I listed Big C's age as going on 6 when he is actually going on 7!  They grow way too fast.  At least, this time I caught it myself.  Guess I'd better check over my writing a little better next week.  :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I apologize . . . I meant to refer to Queen Esther, not Queen Elizabeth!  Thanks to my husband, who discovered the error!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


"And He (Jesus) called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 18:2-3

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Oh, dear!  My little lavender vehicle is getting low on fuel . . . extremely low!  I've been so caught up in the excitement of exploring this Land of Abundant Living that I've neglected my poor little car.  I've been pushing it to its limits.  Even now, a strange clunking noise is coming from the rear.  I need to find a gasoline station very soon.  I hope it doesn't die on me before I reach one!   Oh, good, there's a station just ahead.  Whew!  What a relief!  Now I won't have to walk and hunt for a place to purchase gas.  The Land of Abundant Living is enormous and, of course, goes on throughout Eternity, so it could have been a long walk!
The station master is friendly and a sign says "Free Full Service."  How nice!  Just what I should have expected in the Land of A.L!  :)  
"May I see your key, please?" he asks me.
"What key?"
"The Body Care Key?"  he responds politely.
"Oh?  You need that one?  For my car?"  I'm sure my face must show confusion, but I dig the key out of my purse and hand it to him.
"Yes, that is the one."  He inserts it into the gas tank and promptly returns it to me.
I hesitate as guilt overwhelms me.  "I'm afraid there may be something else wrong with my car.  It's been making an unusual noise the past few miles."
He smiles. "Please make yourself comfortable inside while I give your vehicle a complete free overhaul."
"Thank you,"  Surprised, but pleased, I enter the small, but cozy waiting room and help myself to free popcorn that tastes amazing.  It is coated with olive oil instead of butter and sprinkled with unusual, flavorful spices.  I begin to realize how hungry I had been feeling.
As I sit on a comfortable chair munching on popcorn, I ponder whether the Body Care Key has anything to do with me personally, as had the other keys I've used.  Or maybe it's just for the body of my car.  I mean, I have a body, too, but I don't need fuel or overhauling.  I smile at my silly thought process.  Then it hits me.  I do have a need for fuel!  Food is fuel for my body, just like gasoline is fuel for my automobile.  I've been so excited with all my latest discoveries that I've started to neglect my own physical needs.  I've feeling tired and run down lately and out of sorts.  Think I'd better check out the nearest cafe when I'm finished here.  I'm craving a hot fudge sundae . . . wonder if they are available here.  I need something to give me energy!
The Station Master returns and approaches me.  "Your vehicle is all set!  You were smart to come to this station."  He shook his head.  "There are some down the road aways that don't have good fuel.  In fact, the gas they offer could even cause harm to your car's engine and other mechanical systems."
"You mean," I inquired, "Even in the Land of Abundant Living, there may be poor fuel?"
"Of course," he answered.  "This Land is all about choices."  
He hesitated a moment, and spoke again.  "Please remember to show consideration to your vehicle in the future."
I shook my head vigorously.  "Oh, yes, I've learned my lesson!"
"And if I may offer some advice, now that you have provided for the needs of the body of your car, I wonder if you have considered the proper fuel for your own body?  If you are interested, I have bookmarked a place in that book."  He pointed to the book lying on the table next to my chair, then tipped his hat to me and left the room.
I remained sitting, deep in thought.  I guess I should be more careful about what sort of fuel/food I put in my own body, not just in the body of my vehicle.  Maybe I've been eating a bit too much sugar and fat lately.  I know, too, that whole grain foods give my body the nourishment it needs.  And fresh fruits and vegetables.  I do enjoy pizza and potato chips though . . .  and cream donuts.
I spot a book lying on the table next to my chair.  Of course, it is a Bible.  I open it to the bookmarked page and read the highlighted verse, "Then God said, 'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;"
Hmmmm . . . this really is a "no brainer."  Did God make fruit?  Did He make vegetables?  Whole grains?  Obviously the answer is "yes."  Did He make donuts?  Potato chips?  Well, He made the ingredients we use in the recipes, but I'll have to admit we humans "refine" and add ingredients that could harm our bodies . . . even our minds.  
I remember many years ago when I was about twenty,  and existed mostly on a diet of simple carbohydrates and coffee.  My body eventually suffered from severe low blood sugar to the point where I had to leave my job and go home to live with my parents, so weak that for weeks I would lay in bed all day until I ate enough of my mother's healthy cooking to get well again.  It took months before the doctors figured out the correct diagnosis for me.  I do not want to return to that state ever again!
I guess if caring for my vehicle responsibly is important to me, I should care no less for this body that God gave me to navigate this Earth with and serve Him!  I do want all my body parts to function properly as I grow older for as long as possible, so I can still have the energy to play with my grand-children, do my own housework, and continue to travel and speak about Jesus to women's groups.
God designed my body; it made sense that He would know and provide the "fuel" it needs to function properly and to its maximum potential.  Yes, I do have a responsibility to care for the body that serves me.
I remember passing a "Natural Foods" Cafe aways back.  Maybe I'll check it out next.  I would imagine they have some yummy desserts, too!  Maybe even a healthy pizza!  :)

So how are you doing with the contest?  Here's what we have so far:  ILIVEB . . . not too much to go on , is it?  Take your time!  Have you signed up yet for the free Joshua Story e-book?  It's a true pro-life story about the birth of my youngest son.
Hope to see you next week!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


WOW!  I just had a "God Moment!"  There was a particular verse I wanted to use for this blog but couldn't remember the address.  I just flipped my Bible open to hunt for it, and there is was!
". . . while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."  2 Corinthians 4:18  

Come with me as I check out KEY #5!
Translucent . . . iridescent  (Did you know that means "a rainbow-like play of colors, according to Webster?) . . . glowing . . . words fail me as I attempt to describe the GATE OF THE GOLDEN PEARL.  I clutch the treasured Eyes On Eternity Key and speculate what wondrous sight will thrill my eyes when I open this door.
My heart thuds against my chest and my hands tremble as I insert the key into the lock.  It fits perfectly, but fails to turn.
I sigh and my heart sinks.  Tears sting my eyes.  All day as I had wandered through the Land of Abundant Living, I'd felt a gloomy spirit settling around me like a dark cloak that I couldn't throw off.  Yes, there are days even is this amazing Land when I struggle to find joy.   Life is hard and full of challenges, and I am realizing that life in this world, even residing in the Land of Abundant Living, is not quite enough.  Problems and temptations hound me still and I know that total peace will not come until I reach the Land of Eternity.  I expected to receive a glimpse of that treasured destination today on my journey.  But it is not to be.  Sadly, I remove the key and turn aside when I hear a Voice calling my name.  "You are not yet ready for Eternity, but you will always possess the Key as you travel herein.  One more gift is lying at your feet.  Hold it up to the Sun and you will find encouragement to continue." 
Somewhat re-inspired, I looked down at my feet and saw an assortment of pennies.  How could a simple penny give me encouragement when my access to the Door of Eternity was postponed?  I knelt down and chose the one that seemed the most shiny.  I stood and turned it around and around in my hand as I pondered the words I had heard.  It must be a symbol of something . . . part of this world just outside the Door to Eternity.  I held it up to my eyes as the voice had commanded and turned towards the Sun.  It looked huge to me and blocked out almost all of the Sun.  This can't be right, I pondered.  I tried holding it out at arms length, and then I understood.  The penny represents all the problems and sorrows . . . sickness and fears that are part of this world and the Sun represents the Son of God . . . Jesus Christ.  
When I focus my eyes on my own trials (like the penny), they seem to overtake my life; yet when I hold them at arms length and look at them beside the Sun, they appear tiny in comparison.
Yes, that is how it is.  I need to keep my earthly reality in proper perspective, having the surety that one day the Son will overcome and reign in Eternity.  Then, as it says in Revelation 21:4, "and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying or pain; the first things have passed away."  
In spite of a deep longing to venture inside this peaceful haven, I know there is much more to explore in the Land before I return to gain permanent entrance through the Door.  As I stood there in quietness and calm, fragments of whispy, peace clouds drifted from the Door, tantalizing and exciting my emotions as they wove their way in and though my mind. . . absolute acceptance, reviving rest, supreme security, belonging . . . yes, that was it . . . my true Home . . . my Father's House . . . awaits me inside the Door.  When my journey is completed and His plan for my presence in this world is accomplished,  my heavenly Father will call me home.

A faint memory brought a smile to my face and enlightened my spirit . . .
"I remember  when my oldest child left home for college.  She was only traveling twenty miles away to a Christian college, but to me it felt like she was moving to the other side of the world!  I went into her semi-empty bedroom, lay down on her bed, cuddled her stuffed animal, and let the torrents of tears fall until I was totally drained. . . The first time she came home to visit, I prepared one of her favorite casseroles, chow mein.  But I was so excited that I left out the rice!  It was a bit on the soggy side, thought I did stir in some Chinese noodles.  No one seemed to mind.  We were all so happy to have her home with us again!
Pause for a moment.  With your imagination picture our heavenly Father standing at the gate of heaven, waiting with great anticipation for the homecoming of His beloved child.  Waiting eagerly for you.
God created this earth as our temporary home.  Here, He works through His Spirit and circumstances to develop our character.  He uses our hearts and hands to minister to others.  He uses our lips to tell others the gospel so more of His wayward children will return home to Him.
God doesn't allow us to be completely comfortable in this world.  He intends for us to never forget that our true home is in heaven with our Father."  (taken from View From Eternity Bible Study, written by myself)
Comforted with those memories, I was freed to enjoy my journey once again, with the certainty that the Key would stay in my possession until my Father called me Home.  Help me, Father, to keep my eyes on the eternal things and hold the temporal things at arms length.

Sooooo now what?  Are you putting the letters of the keys together?  What do we have so far?  
ILIVE     Hmmmmm..... got you thinking?  :)
Hope to see you next week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


First of all today, I want to thank those of you who have left comments and encouraged me greatly by them.  I wish I could figure out how to put those comments on my blog page.  One of these days, maybe I'll find the proper technique!  I am still fairly computer-illiterate, only figuring out slow step by slower  step how to do the things I need to do!  :o)
Today's Key follows quite naturally from the topic of last week, "Key to Intellectual Integrity."  As you may recall, I discussed how the Bible is our only true source of the truth.  Today, I will move on into a room I discovered just beyond the Intellectual Integrity Room.  This one has a smaller door, almost hidden between two large bookcases.  It took me a while to find it.  I hope that others coming behind me will continue to seek earnestly for it, because it must not only be important to know that the Bible is the only source of whole truth, but to actually sit down and read it.
I turned the Key of Verbalization and entered a pleasant room, one that is beautiful, cozy and, to my amazement, with a decor personalized for me with my unique tastes in mind.  Is is possible that there are specific rooms for other people too, that God has designed for each person?  Maybe hidden behind other shelves you will find a room just made for you!  If so, I'd love to hear what your room looks like.   In my room, a cozy arm chair in shades of blues, lavenders and rose is provided for me.  Overhanging is a shining Tiffany-styled lamp composed of a clear, translucent, glowing material, and a large Queen-Anne end table on which to rest my precious Bible from time to time while I meditate on its truth statements and converse with its author.  Before me is an assortment of flowers of all varieties and colors, making me think of an English garden.
Enough of that; I will bore any male readers if I continue on in this line.
A thought subtly protrudes into my mind:  Maybe all I need to do is sit here quietly for a time, basking in the beauty of my surroundings and resting in the peace.  It's probably not that important to actually read the book I hold in my hands.  Or I could just wait a while.  .  . I set my Bible gently on the end table.  After all, reading the Bible can't be a matter of life or death!   I'm comfortable here and at peace.  Maybe I'll just lay my head back and doze a bit.  I didn't get much sleep last night.
I find myself floating contentedly off to dream land.  In my dream . . . I find myself sitting in on a hard, cold chair in a doctor's office. I have just been told that I only have two months to live.   The reality of it shocks me to the core of my being.  
As the truth sinks in, my first thought is for my husband and children who will be left behind.  An urgency seizes me.  Very soon, I won't be here to encourage my children, to share bits and pieces of wisdom God has showed me, to answer questions they have, to support them through the hard times that will surely come.  But what can I do?
I will compose letters to each and all of them, as many letters as I can find time to write.  I must record everything I can think of that they will need to know about life, so they can read my words when I am not present with them anymore.
Another thought strikes my mind like a discordant gong and my heart trembles with anxiety.  Will my children read my letters?  All of them?

Suppose someone were to ask them five years after my death what they thought of my letters.  Immediately, answers flash into my mind  . . . answers that I would NOT want to hear!
1.  "I treasure Mom's letters.  They are on a special shelf in my living room.  One of these days I'll probably getting around to reading them."
2.  "Oh, I haven't read them yet, but I will.  When I have some extra time.  Life is crazy-busy these days, you know!"
3.  "My sister read them and told me basically what they said.  I don't think I really need to read them for myself."
4.  "Bor-ing."
5.  "Yeah, I read a few paragraphs once in a while.  There's some good stuff in there.  I don't think I need to read all of it though.
6.  Yes, I sat down and read it all the way through as soon as I got them.  It brought tears to my eyes.  What did they say, you ask?  Well, um, let's see  . . . there was something about  . . . oh, it was really good . . . let me think . . . "
7.  "Oh, I don't think my mother really wrote those letters.  They're probably just a bunch of stories somebody found in her dresser drawer."
8.  "I don't want to read them.  They're most likely just full of stuff she wants me to do, or quit doing."
9.  "They are too confusing.  A phrase on the first page didn't make sense to me.  I don't think I'll bother with the rest of them."
10.  "She wrote them so long ago  They're not relevant to the way I live today."
11.  "If I knew she really cared about me, maybe I'd read them."
12.  "What letters?"

I woke up with a start, shook the groggyness from my mind, quickly reached for my Bible and began to read.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Welcome back!  My heart is pounding rapidly because I'm especially excited about this blog. Today, we will open a door that will show us the basic foundation of life!
I have a burning desire to know the Truth.  Do you?  There are so many belief systems in our world and all of them have a certain amount of wisdom and logic so that, if we don't examine their core statements, it would be very easy to fall into a trap of believing a huge lie and basing our lifestyle on deception.  That is not what I want to do!
By the way, I just made a spelling error by leaving the "f" out of the word lifestyle in the above line and corrected it, then thought about it and realized the true statement:  We either possess a "life-style"wherein we experience the Abundant Life, or we possess a "lie-style" wherein we are living out a lie that affects the core of our existence in this world and even on into Eternity!  Personally, I want the "life-style!"  Now, there's a good example of learning from our mistakes!  :o)
Now to get down to business:  Where do I go for the Truth?  What will I see behind this door?  As I turn the Key of Intellectual Integrity in the massive door and slowly swing it open, my first sensation is a whiff of fresh, clear air mingled in a pleasant way with the scent of an antique, musty, collection of books, like found in the seldom used stacks of an old, semi-deserted library.  Yes, my guess was correct.  I see now the expansive room is lined with shelves from floor to ceiling, completely surrounding me and spreading out in every direction, with an endless assortment of literary volumes of all colors and sizes.  I am overwhelmed.  Must I read all these books in order to find the truth?  I take a deep breath, grab a cup of tea from the conveniently located rack near the door, a cinnamon scone topped with clotted cream and reach for the nearest book.  As I open it I realize that this one is a Bible.  How interesting that a Bible would be the first one I selected!  My curiosity aroused, and my mind tingling with anticipation, I hold my breath and reach for the book next to it.  This one, too, is a Bible!  My eyes sweep the shelves as it appears that this entire collection might be composed of Bibles.  Of course!  The only book that can be trusted to be a source of total intellectual integrity would be this timeless book, the Written Word of God . . . and only this book. 
Can it be?  Is it true? How do I know I can believe it?  
I see a computer on the table and flick it on.  The screen opens with this heading:
"Objective and Internal Evidence Proves the Bible Alone is Trustworthy." 
1.  More than 5000 ancient Greek copies of all or portions of the New Testament have been found.  The scribes who copied the original manuscripts would destroy the entire scroll of only one error was found!
2.  No other ancient writings have as much manuscript evidence as does the Bible.  The New Testament has about 14,000 copies, as compared to 643 copies of Homer's works, and other classic works which have anywhere from 3 to 20 copies each.  The quality of Biblical manuscripts is also unsurpassed.
3.  Time span:  The Dead Sea Scolls, dating from 200 B.C. to A.D. 68, greatly reduce the time span between the writing of the Old Testament books to our earliest existing copies of the Old Testament, a very low figure.
4.  Archaeological evidence has affirmed the historicity of the Bible, along with extra-bibical, historical writings.
5.  As science progresses, more and more facts that were once supposed contradictory to the Bible are now revealed to conform to its truth statements.
6.  2 Timothy 3:16 says men, "moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."  Every word in the Bible is directly given by God.  Every part of the Bible is inspired.  The Bible does not merely contain the words of God, but it actually is the Word of God.  Thus, the original writings, preserved meticulously, are without error.
(*Most of the above list is taken from the reference pages of the New American Standard International Inductive Study Bible)
7.  Finally, the Bible has 66 books, 39 authors, was written in 3 different languages (original script), on 3 different continents, over a period of 1500 years.  This supernatural book could only have been composed by the hand of God!  And the more I study it I am amazed how its message is intricately woven together like a piece of fine artwork, from beginning to end, from Genesis through Revelation.
Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."  John 14:6." and "for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth." John 18:37
Time to quit for this week, though I could go on and on about this precious book! I love it; my whole life is founded on the truth found inside.  I base my present life and my eternal future on its truths.  

So, now you have the first 3 letters of the word phrase:  ILI.....is that telling you anything yet???  Don't be hasty; remember, you only get one guess!
Hope to see you next week!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Last Saturday, I was privileged to spend precious minutes with a dear, old friend, Mr. E., who was on his way home to Heaven.   As I knelt by his bedside, cherished memories flashed onto the movie screen of my mind . . . of shared laughter, practical jokes, home movies, snowbound days (weeks!), hilarious episodes of water volleyball, neighborhood Christmas parties and long talks sharing our love for  our Lord Jesus.   Mr, E. and his wife were our long-time, next-door neighbors at the lake of my childhood.
I am grieving . . .  Not only for the loss of a dear friend (he and his wife were like family to me!) but for part of myself.  It feels to me like when someone close to me dies, part of me goes with them, that part of my life . . . my history . . . that no one else experienced with me.

Mr. E.'s "tent"here on earth was worn and thread-bare, but his spirit was healthy, whole and at peace.  He was ready to go and looking forward to his new home.  His only expressed regret was leaving his wife of many years.  We talked about the reality that he would soon be greeted by my parents with open arms and I asked him to give them a hug from me.
God's comforting and assuring presence was strong as Mr. E, his wife and I talked with God together by his bedside.   Formidable mountains of daily duties and events that consume a vast amount of time crumbled into bits and pieces of dust as I contemplated the reality of Heaven.  There is something about spending time with one who will soon make that short journey from this world to the next that propels Heaven into stark focus, illuminated as the true reality that it is . . .  a forever world, one far more solid than anything I have or will experience here on earth.  
Mr. E. leaves behind a rich legacy of grasping with a willing hand many opportunities to share God's love and His Word.  He modeled for His children a godly heritage as he lived to please the One he loved the most, His gracious heavenly Father.

Today I hold the "Key of Legacy" in my hand and shiver as I consider the sight that awaits me behind this door.  Will I see a sample of my own legacy, broken bits and crumbs of good deeds and kind words that have fallen on the path I traversed so far?  With wide expanses of empty space in between?  Merely a trail of tiny scatterings left on the pathway I have walked for over sixty years?
Somehow I gather courage and open the door.  To my surprise, the only vision is one of three huge, empty stairs leading upwards.  Where could they lead?  But wait.  At my feet is a small piece of notepaper, handwritten with a list of three directions.  As I bend down to pick it I realize that I had a misguided idea all along.  Evidently, I am not permitted to see any part of my legacy that is in behind me;    rather I am being encouraged me to move forward.  The brief list is entitled:  "Steps to Leaving Your Legacy."  Rather than examining my past, mistakes and all, I am compelled to turn my focus to the future.

If I am to live an Abundant Life, I need to Live out my Legacy.  So how do I live in a way that makes a legacy possible?  
Step #1 tells me to journey in the Kingdom of Life.  I need to remind myself constantly that my life on earth is fading fast.  The moment we are born we are born we begin our journey to Eternity.
"The Bible makes it clear that two kingdoms co-exist in this world:  the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light.  Each person is traveling toward eternity in one of these kingdoms."  (The View From Eternity study, authored by myself)   Because I love Jesus and have accepted His costly gift of payment for my sins and eternal life, I know I am traveling in the Kingdom of Light.  That is the first step to leaving behind a worthwhile legacy.
Step #2 says to intentionally determine to live in the way that makes a legacy possible.  I do want to make good use of my allotted time on this earth.  I do not want to waste the one life God has given to me, but to live in a way that will enable me to know God's heart and to demonstrate the love of His heart to others.
But I falter when I consider the type of legacy I have the capability of living on my own.  I know I am a frail human being, susceptible to sin and failure.
Step #3 provides the answer to my problem!  I must determine to leave behind a legacy that shows the world not how good I am, but how good my God is!  In order to do that, my focus cannot be on my own actions, but on desiring God's purposes . . .  to live in a way that will enable me to know His heart and to demonstrate the love His heart to others.
So please join me as together we continue onward up the steps to the future, trusting God to piece together a legacy for us as we focus on following Him alone.  

REMINDER:  Make note of the first letter of this Key and add it to the key from last week and you are on your way to solving the next word puzzle!  Be patient; it will probably take a few more weeks until you are ready to make a guess.  

Have you signed up yet for your free e-book, Joshua's Story, a true pro-life story of the birth of my youngest son?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

KEY #A1: Isolation

What a trip we've been having through the Land of Abundant Living!  So glad you joined me!  Now that the first section of our journey is past, I'd like to catch my breath and bring my comfortable, little lilac-flowered vehicle to a stop, pull out my map and plan the next step, or rather, the next drive.  The sun is shining, birds are chirping and the air is fresh.  I am reminded of an old saying, "God's in His heaven; all's well with the world."
Some days it doesn't seem much like all is well, though.  We'll talk about that more in a minute .  . .
But first of all, I'd like to invite you to join me in another word contest!  For the previous contest, we put together the first letters of the first ten Keys to the Land of Abundant Living with the prize for the winner being an autographed copy of my novel, The Rose Journal.  Well, the next contest will be twice as long, with two books as the prize!  The next set of keys will be twenty in all, and the winner will receive a copy of The Rose Journal and its companion Bible study, The View From Eternity.  If you already have the books, the set would make a great gift to someone who is going through a hard time, or anyone for that matter!  So keep track of the first letters each week and be the first to spell out another phrase!
So now to discuss the first word of the next set of "A" Keys . . . does this mean I'll go through the whole alphabet?  Probably not!  But it seems a good way to separate the sets for now. :)
I stands for Isolation.  There is your first "clue letter":  "I."  Think a minute.  Does Isolation seem like a positive, productive key to use?  Or does the sound of it bring discouraging thoughts?  Let's consider the word "I"  (me, myself).  What does the "I" look like to you?  Loneliness? Independence? Uniqueness?  Abandonment?  Selfishness? Freedom?  "I" feels like all of those to me, at various points in time.
But to me the Isolation Key is a priceless treasure.  I see it as sort of a buffer in this world filled with complexity and problems, when quite often it doesn't seem like "all is well."
I love people and enjoy being with others, but I also need my times of Isolation, times away from other people, but never alone.  Because God and I are always together.  He never leaves me. Because I have trusted Jesus Christ who died on the cross of Calvary to pay for my sins, I'll never be completely alone.  This week, I was paging ahead in my favorite devotional book, Streams in the Desert by L. B. Cowman, and ran across the following meditation.  Right away, it connected with my heart.
". . . practice being alone with Christ!  The Scripture says, 'When He (Jesus) was alone with His own disciples, He explained everything" (Mark 4:34).  Do not wonder about the truth of this verse, for it can be true of your life as well.  If you desire to have understanding, then dismiss the crowd, just as Jesus did.  . .
Have you ever pictured yourself as the last remaining person on earth, or the only person left in the entire universe?  If you were the only person remaining in the universe, your every thought would be, 'God and I . . . !  God and I . . . !'  And yet He is already as close to you as that.  He is as near as if no heart but His and yours ever beat throughout the boundlessness of space."  George Matheson
Wow!  What a thought!  What a truth!  I want to live every minute . . . every second . . . aware of the closeness of God to me.  That is the only way I truthfully assure myself, "All is well."
So if you will excuse me, I'm going to turn the Isolation Key in the next door and step inside for a few moments alone with my beloved Father-God.  Isolation may keep me away from other people, but never from the One who loves me the most!
Got your Isolation Key in hand?  Use it!
Hope to see you next Wednesday!