"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We have now gained entrance through the doorway to the Land of Abundant Living and need to get on our way!  Our first inside door is within walking distance but we will soon be on the road, so I suggest you design in your imagination a vehicle of your choice.  Mine is a small automobile (not sure what kind; I'm not very up on car models), painted light lavender with sparsely flowing green vine-type lines adorned with tiny wildflowers of various colors.  Just a few flowers, not enough to distract another driver!
What does your vehicle look like?
Sounds good!  We'll just park them near the main doorway for now.  Now let's approach the first inside door and use our key to unlock it.

*If you are participating in our contest, note the first letter of our phrase is the letter "L":  LISTEN AND LEARN.  Keep track of the first letter each week to spell out the phrase/sentence to win my novel!

Bible verse for the week:  "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."  Proverbs 1:7
Picture a mouse, a cute little mouse.  Yes, I too cringe at that image, but I want you to like him. Let's give him a name.  How about Tiny?  Now, Tiny is perched on his two hind feet peering over a threshold into a small room where positioned on one side of the room is a mousetrap enticing him with a large hunk of cheese.  On the other side of the room sits a plate that holds a small piece of cheese.  Let's suppose that Tiny has somehow acquired wisdom and understanding far beyond his natural, feeble brain power.  He knows perfectly well that the large hunk of cheese, being housed in a trap, will eventually kill him.  And that the small piece of cheese . . . nutritious and safe to eat. . . will satisfy and nourish him.
What choice do you think Tiny will make?  What choice do you think he should make?
I agree!  The cheese on the plate.
Do you realize that we. . . myself included. . . are so often dumber than Tiny?  If we have a Bible, God's book of wisdom and information, available to us, how much do we consult it?  Study it?  I mean really delve into it in a serious effort to find God's guidance and solutions to our problems?  Do we feed on God's Word that will nourish and satisfy us?  Or do we feed mostly on the "junk food" of immoral media, advice from unwise companions, and unhealthy addictions that will eventually destroy us?
We all have choices.  Let's determine to make good ones!
The verse for this week says that fools despise wisdom.  I don't want to be a fool!  Do you?  The fear (respect) for God will give us the wisdom we need to navigate along life's roadway.

Here's a little acrostic I came up with on the word "WISDOM":
W--Willingness to learn
S--Sensitivity to God's Spirit
O--Obedience to God's direction
M--Meaningful life is the result!

HOW ABOUT YOU?  If you'd like to share a moment of wisdom from your own life, please comment on my "Meet Linda" page!  I'd love to hear about your experiences!

Remember to sign up for the FREE e-book, Joshua's Story!

Hope to see you next Wednesday!

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