"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


How are you doing with the contest?  Soon ready to make a guess?  You only get one chance, remember!  Just put together the letters of the first letter of each Key we have used to determine the phrase.  See what words you get so far . . . a total of ten letters.
A free Rose Journal novel to the person who guesses correctly!

God highly values life because He is life and He gives life to us!

How highly do I value His gift of life?  To me?  To others?

Considering several questions I need to ask myself:
Have I ever entertained thoughts of taking my own life?  Of throwing it back in His face instead of trusting God to bring me through my difficulties to even ground?
Do I waste the time He's allotted to me. . . beyond what is reasonable for necessary relaxation and restoration?
Do I condone the act of abortion. . . killing an innocent child that God made in His own image?
(*Please know that if you have aborted a child, you can always find forgiveness from God and the assurance that your precious baby was placed in His care.)
Do I honor the elderly?  (Guess I'd better.  I'll probably be one some day!)  Do I treat them with dignity and consideration, the way I want to be treated when I am old?  Do I value elderly adults for the person they are even when they are not able to do the useful things they once did?

Love Comes Full Circle
I have images in my mind that are etched as vividly as if they were imprinted on a camera lens.
Memories. . . 
I was staying with my family at my parents' home on a lake years ago, where I had spent most of my childhood.  The early morning sun waved its magical wand over the waters and multitudes of glittering silver jewels appeared where moments before had merely existed a hazy mist.
My mother and I watched from the kitchen window.  Just beyond the dock, my Dad's boat drifted on calm waters.  In it were 2 figures.  One was my 89-year-old father .  . my strong, capable "can do anything" Daddy who was sitting patiently while my 15-year-old son, Kaleb, bent down before him to fasten the latches on his grandfather's life jacket.

My father's tender but worn old hands had built the roof over our heads along with two other houses. . .
His hands had designed and crafted an entire well-drilling rig as a means of supporting his family. . .
     had carried his little girl from the car when she'd fallen asleep. . .
     had sat by her bed night after night when she was ill . . .
     had mended her dolls when no one else could . .
     had dried the tears of a teen-ager daughter with a love-struck heart.
These hands were shaking now and needed help to simply fasten a life jacket.

His teen-age grandson who had spent his life observing an old man's example of unselfish love was now ready.   Ready to extend the same gentle hand of concern and respect.

Role reversal?  It's more than that.  It's love going the full circle.
The love that gave gets back and keeps giving.  

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