"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Welcome back!  My heart is pounding rapidly because I'm especially excited about this blog. Today, we will open a door that will show us the basic foundation of life!
I have a burning desire to know the Truth.  Do you?  There are so many belief systems in our world and all of them have a certain amount of wisdom and logic so that, if we don't examine their core statements, it would be very easy to fall into a trap of believing a huge lie and basing our lifestyle on deception.  That is not what I want to do!
By the way, I just made a spelling error by leaving the "f" out of the word lifestyle in the above line and corrected it, then thought about it and realized the true statement:  We either possess a "life-style"wherein we experience the Abundant Life, or we possess a "lie-style" wherein we are living out a lie that affects the core of our existence in this world and even on into Eternity!  Personally, I want the "life-style!"  Now, there's a good example of learning from our mistakes!  :o)
Now to get down to business:  Where do I go for the Truth?  What will I see behind this door?  As I turn the Key of Intellectual Integrity in the massive door and slowly swing it open, my first sensation is a whiff of fresh, clear air mingled in a pleasant way with the scent of an antique, musty, collection of books, like found in the seldom used stacks of an old, semi-deserted library.  Yes, my guess was correct.  I see now the expansive room is lined with shelves from floor to ceiling, completely surrounding me and spreading out in every direction, with an endless assortment of literary volumes of all colors and sizes.  I am overwhelmed.  Must I read all these books in order to find the truth?  I take a deep breath, grab a cup of tea from the conveniently located rack near the door, a cinnamon scone topped with clotted cream and reach for the nearest book.  As I open it I realize that this one is a Bible.  How interesting that a Bible would be the first one I selected!  My curiosity aroused, and my mind tingling with anticipation, I hold my breath and reach for the book next to it.  This one, too, is a Bible!  My eyes sweep the shelves as it appears that this entire collection might be composed of Bibles.  Of course!  The only book that can be trusted to be a source of total intellectual integrity would be this timeless book, the Written Word of God . . . and only this book. 
Can it be?  Is it true? How do I know I can believe it?  
I see a computer on the table and flick it on.  The screen opens with this heading:
"Objective and Internal Evidence Proves the Bible Alone is Trustworthy." 
1.  More than 5000 ancient Greek copies of all or portions of the New Testament have been found.  The scribes who copied the original manuscripts would destroy the entire scroll of only one error was found!
2.  No other ancient writings have as much manuscript evidence as does the Bible.  The New Testament has about 14,000 copies, as compared to 643 copies of Homer's works, and other classic works which have anywhere from 3 to 20 copies each.  The quality of Biblical manuscripts is also unsurpassed.
3.  Time span:  The Dead Sea Scolls, dating from 200 B.C. to A.D. 68, greatly reduce the time span between the writing of the Old Testament books to our earliest existing copies of the Old Testament, a very low figure.
4.  Archaeological evidence has affirmed the historicity of the Bible, along with extra-bibical, historical writings.
5.  As science progresses, more and more facts that were once supposed contradictory to the Bible are now revealed to conform to its truth statements.
6.  2 Timothy 3:16 says men, "moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."  Every word in the Bible is directly given by God.  Every part of the Bible is inspired.  The Bible does not merely contain the words of God, but it actually is the Word of God.  Thus, the original writings, preserved meticulously, are without error.
(*Most of the above list is taken from the reference pages of the New American Standard International Inductive Study Bible)
7.  Finally, the Bible has 66 books, 39 authors, was written in 3 different languages (original script), on 3 different continents, over a period of 1500 years.  This supernatural book could only have been composed by the hand of God!  And the more I study it I am amazed how its message is intricately woven together like a piece of fine artwork, from beginning to end, from Genesis through Revelation.
Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."  John 14:6." and "for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth." John 18:37
Time to quit for this week, though I could go on and on about this precious book! I love it; my whole life is founded on the truth found inside.  I base my present life and my eternal future on its truths.  

So, now you have the first 3 letters of the word phrase:  ILI.....is that telling you anything yet???  Don't be hasty; remember, you only get one guess!
Hope to see you next week!

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