"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Exciting news in the Land of Abundant Living!  My grandsons, Big C and Little c, welcomed their baby sister, Baby B, into their family this week!  God is so amazing and His gift of life so precious.  I was honored to spend a couple of days with Mommy and Baby B in the hospital so Daddy could take the boys home for a brief period of "normalcy" after his long night at the hospital.
I spent a good portion of the night happily relieving Mommy so she could get a few hours of sleep.  Treasured moments were recorded in my memory of cuddling my first precious grand-daughter, staring with awe at her tiny, yet perfectly formed, fingers and toes . . . her rosebud mouth . . . tenderly stroking her soft cheek and running my hand gently over her velvety hair.  I do not believe anything can compare with the softness of a new-born baby's cheeks and hair.
Daddy and the boys came to visit "Baby Sister" the next day.  Nurses and family have held the precious infant since then.  But I noticed in the hospital that, even as this young age, Baby B knew her mommy.  No matter who held her or how she was held, when Mommy picked her up a sense of peace and contentment was immediately evident.  She recognized Mommy's voice from 9 months of life inside her womb.  Others gave her love, but the one she clung to was the one she knew the best.
That is how we humans are made to be.  Just as a new-born infant latches onto her mommy . . . the one who gives her security and assurance . . . so we are meant to stay close to the One who gives us the ultimate security and love, through the sacrifice of His precious Son, Jesus Christ.    By reading God's Word, the Bible, and spending time alone in prayer, we learn to listen to Him and to recognize His voice.   We find some of our needs met by spending time with other people and through involvement in activities, but the One we need supremely . . . the One who truly satisfies . . . is the God to whom we cling . . . the One who is always there for us.

In a few weeks, I plan to make the switch to my new blog site on word press.  In order to receive my emails to your email box without disruption, please go to lindaruthstai.com and click on "blog."  You will find a box there to sign up.  I would be happy to make the switch for you, but I can't figure out how to do it!  So I ask for your help and greatly appreciate your desire to continue on with me as we journey through the Land of Abundant Living!

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