"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Sometimes I catch myself worrying . . . about the future of our country and how it could affect the lives of our children.  Or about the possibility of unforeseen tragedy . . accidents . . . diseases . . . unexpected  poverty.
Or, on the other hand, I may harbor guilty thoughts, knowing that I have so much in the way of relationship and material blessings while others around the world are needy and hungry.   Feeling ashamed to enjoy the things I possess.  Wondering if I should give it all away. . .
Can you identify at all with those thoughts?

When I get in a mood like that, I remind myself of an illustration God put in my mind a while ago.
Suppose . . . just for a moment . . . that I decide to give my precious grandson, Big C, a bright, red, shiny, new toy fire engine.  I imagine myself wrapping the gift carefully in colorful paper with red, blue and yellow balloons.  My thoughts jump ahead to images of him playing contentedly with the new truck for hours at a time, racing the vehicle to imaginery fires, sharing it with his younger brother, little c, maybe even going to sleep with it on the floor next to his bed.  
On his birthday, I hand Big C the package with as much excitement in my own heart as he must feel in his young heart.   I watch eagerly as he tears the wrapping off and see his eyes light up . . . no, his whole face light up . . . at the pleasurable sight.  
"Thank you, Grandma!" He gives me a big hug and immediately runs off to play with his new toy, little c following closely behind.
I sit contentedly, recording the moment in my mind's journal, when Big C suddenly appears, standing quietly before me, puts down the truck, and with dejected shoulders, turns to walk away.
"Wait a minute, Big C," I call him back.  He turns and looks at me despondently, tears running down his cheeks.  "What is wrong, sweetie?  Did your fire engine break?"
"Oh, no, Grandma," he answers.  "I love the truck.  It's the nicest one I've ever had!"
"Then why did you stop playing with it?"
"I'm afraid."
"Afraid?"  Puzzlement clouds my face.  "Why?"
"Well," he hesitates, then spills out his fears.  "Maybe someday I will lose it or break it.  Or somebody will take it away from me and then I won't have it any more.
"Or I'm thinking maybe I should give it to Jason, the boy down the street who doesn't have a firetruck.  If I don't play with it, I won't miss it so much when he gets it."
"Come here," I pat the seat next to me.  He sits, and I wrap my arm around him.  "None of us knows what will happen tomorrow or the next day.  But I chose that fire truck especially for you, and I want you to enjoy it!  I am happy when you are generous and share and give to others.  It pleased me when you gave some of your allowance money to the poor children downtown.  But this gift was intended just for you, and it will give me happiness to see how much you enjoy it.  Please don't worry about what could happen to it, or feel guilty that you got it instead of Jason, and have fun with it today."
"OK, Grandma," he smiles again, reaches for the truck and says, "I'm going to bring it over to Jason's house and let him play fireman with me!"

Obviously, God doesn't want me to put material things above my desire for Him and I believe He is delighted when I give to others and share my possessions.  But I also know He doesn't want me to worry that people or things will be taken away from me!  God wants me to rest in Him and enjoy the wonderful gifts He gives me now.  
Maybe in the future, I'll have less, but I can't let an unknown future spoil a known present.  The pleasant things God gives us truly are special gifts from Him, chosen for His beloved children, to be relished with joy and thanksgiving!  And the greater truth is that all I really need to be joyful is Him!
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice."  Philippians 4:4  This statement was written by the apostle Paul when he was in prison, which only affirms that all we need is Jesus to live in a state of joy! 
Job said "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away."  Job 2:21
Whatever God does is always for the best because He has proven His love for me when He let His Son, Jesus, died in my place on the cross.  
So when I sigh with appreciation for my beautiful back yard view, pause to smell the fragrance of a lilac bloom or laugh with my family and friends, I believe that gives God pleasure.  Pleasure that I show appreciation for His gifts and I am trusting Him to choose and provide for my needs and happiness, allowing Him to hold my future and the future of my loved ones in His capable and loving hands.
So Father God, please forgive me once again for giving into fears.  Help me to relax and enjoy each wonderful day you have chosen just for me and leave the future up to You.

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Hope to see you next week for our new Hospitality series!  

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