"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


"Here's another song I love!  You know it, too.  I've heard you sing it."
I hand the songbook that we found in the old treasure chest in the little country church to my grandson, Big C, and he reads the words clearly, "Jesus Loves Me."
"Is that an old song, Grandma?" he asks excitedly.
"Yes, it is very old.  I learned it when I was a child and I still like to sing it."
"But I thought that was a kid's song," Big C says doubtfully.
"Je-sus wuvs me, dis I no . . . " Little c sings exuberantly, "for da BiBo tells me so. . . " Then he takes another book and sits down to look at the pages and a few pictures.
"Jesus Loves Me' is a simple song that tells how Jesus saves us," I explain.  "That is why it's easy for children to learn and understand, but it also makes God's plan of salvation very clear to grown-ups.
"My mommy used to sing this song to me sometimes when she tucked me into bed at night, especially when I was sick or feeling sad."
"My mommy sings," Little c pipes up.
"Yes, dear, and your mommy has a beautiful voice.  My mommy did, too."  The boys are respectfully silent while I reflect for a moment.
"When I was in the hospital before your Uncle J was born," I continued, "I was very, very sick and hurt really bad.  My mommy and daddy came to visit me then,  and my mommy sang 'Jesus Loves Me' to me there, too. It comforted me a lot, even though I was a grown up at the time.
"Hearing or singing that song reminds me to think about the important things of life.  When things around us make us feel hurtful or sad, or when we are sick, it's good for us to remind ourselves that the only real important thing in this earth is our relationship with Jesus.  And because He comes to live in our hearts when we tell Him we are sorry for our sins, He gives us lots of love, too, so that we can love each other.  And no matter how weak we feel, we know that He is strong enough to take care of us.
"Other things in life come and go, like baseball and soccer games and school and parties.  But God and people are the only things that really matter in the long run.  
"When we get to Heaven, we'll live with Jesus forever and ever."
"Sometimes," Big C pondered, "I wish I could take my favorite toys to heaven with me."
"Well," I think before I respond.  "God has so many surprises waiting for us that are so much more special than anything we have on this earth."
I nod.  "And remember I told you earlier that Jesus said he is preparing a house for us to when He comes to take us to live with Him."
"Oh," Big C's eyes light up.  "I know when Jesus lived on earth He was a carpenter.  Do you suppose that's when He learned how to build our house in heaven?"
"No, but I'm happy that you knew that.  And the things He made while He lived on earth must have been very well built.
"But the Bible tells us in the very first book of Genesis that He made the world and all that is in it for our temporary home here.
"My daddy, who is your great-grandpa, built the house that we lived in by a lake.  He built some other houses, too, and sold them to people.  I don't know this for sure," I lowered my voice as though to share a secret.  "But sometimes I wonder if Jesus is letting him help build my house in Heaven.  Of course, I won't know until I get there."
I sit back and stretch my legs.  "But do you know that there is something you can take to Heaven with you?"
"What is it, Grandma?" Big C asks, his eyes round with surprise.
"Wat, Gamma?" Little c gives me his full attention, too.
"You can take people!  When you tell someone about Jesus and they ask Jesus to come into their heart to live, they will also go to Heaven.  So it's sort of like taking them with you!  God loves everybody and wants us to tell others so they can come to.  And I know you are doing that already."
Big C nods solemnly.
"I tell too," Little c announces.
I hug him and say, "Yes, whenever you sing 'Jesus Loves Me,' you are telling other people about God's love!"

"Jesus loves me, this I know;
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
they are weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loves me,
The Bible tells me so!
Jesus loves me, He who died,
Heaven's gates to open wide.
He wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in!"


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