"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


"Now, where did I put that blue songbook?"  I look around the room and laugh.  My youngest grandson, two-year-old Little c, has begun to stack the old hymn and gospel songbooks like a tower.
"Here is it, Grandma," says Big C.  "On the bottom of my brother's tower.  Oh, dear."  He starts to gently tug at the favored book.
"My tow-er!"  Huge tear drops form in the eyes of Little c's anguished face.  He grabs the precious book and holds on tight.
The incident shows promise of becoming our first conflict since I brought the boys to show them the old country church by my childhood home.  (*NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS TO MY BLOG:  If you check the archives on the right side, you can read about the previous adventures!)
"Little c," I rush over and kneel down beside my grandsons.  "I think it's time to play one of your favorite songs on the old pedal organ.  Don't you think so?"
Little c thinks a moment.  "Yes," he says.  I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Good," I respond.  "The song is in this book, here on the bottom of the pile.  Let's lift the other books off carefully and set them aside.  Then we can play the song."
Together, we set the other books out of the way.
"What is your favorite song, Little c?" asks Big C.
Little c shakes his head.  "Don't know."  He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.
"Come and sit on the organ with me and let's play it," I tell the boys.
"My turn to play the organ?" Big C asks.
"Yes, go ahead."
Big C takes the preferred spot in the middle of the organ bench.  His feet are long enough to reach the pedals, so Little c and I sit on each side, like bookends.  Big C starts to play and we all sing.
"The B-I-B-L-E.
Yes! That's the book for me.
I stand alone on the Word of God.
The B-I-B-L-E!"
Suddenly, Little c grabs the book from the organ rack, puts it on the floor and steps proudly on top.
"No, Little c, you can't step on a book!" his older brother protests.
"Song says 'stand on'!"Little c stubbornly stiffens his whole body, crossing his arms.  Such determination; not even a big semi-truck would cause him to budge!
Big C laughs.  I smile, wondering how to explain this concept to a two-year-old.
I needn't have worried.  Big C leans down to his little brother.  "That's not what the song means, Little c," he speaks gently.  "The song talks about the Bible, God's Word, not the song book!  But we don't really put our feet on top of it.  It means that the Bible is the best book in the whole world and it's just like we put our whole lives on top of it."
Little c looks doubtful, but steps off the book.
I take Little c in my arms and cuddle him.  "Big C, you said that exactly right.  When we put our trust in God, we stake our whole lives on His goodness and His love for us.  The precious book that God wrote, the Bible, is the only way that we can find out the honest truth about how the world was made and why we are here and how God wants us to live."
"But how did God write the book?" Big C raises questioning eyes to me.
"God told forty different people who lived on three different continents to write His Holy Book in three different languages  They wrote down the words God's Holy Spirit put into their minds.
"It took many, many hundreds of years to finish writing the Bible.  And, in spite of that, the whole Bible story fits together perfectly from beginning to end, sort of like a puzzle shows the whole picture when you put all the pieces together.  That is one way we know that only God could have written it!  Without knowing God's Word, all people are helpless in this life.  That is why it is so important to read our Bibles every day and tell others about God and where to find the truth."
"Let's sing it again," Big C starts to sing with abandon and Little c and I join in willingly.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Cris! I am glad you enjoy my blog and I will definitely check out yours, too. Sounds interesting! Blessings to you!
    Linda Ruth
