"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Congratulations go to Kyle Dimler from Willmar, Minnesota, for winning the contest for this series!  He correctly guessed the phrase, "I LIVE BY THE GOLDEN RULE."  Remember learning it as a child?  Or later on?  "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you."  Matthew 7:12  A wonderful guideline for success in relationships, which seems to be a hot topic today!   Kyle will receive two free books: my novel, The Rose Journal, and its companion Bible study, The View From Eternity.  Six more weeks until the next series begins!
This is the first week of the Year of our Lord, 2012. And with the whole new year ahead of us (unless Jesus comes back for us before it is over), it seems appropriate to hold the Key for Enthusiasm/Excitement in my hands as I approach a brand new, shiny, silver door displaying a glittery calendar posted on the front.  The first page, January 1, is waving in the wind as though personally anticipating the excitement the new year will bring.  I open the door and find myself in the midst of the most fabulous party scene I could imagine, full of enthusiastic people . . . Vital people adorned in Vibrantly colored costumes exploring Various aVenues of creatiVe endeaVors (maybe I should have chosen "V" for this blog!   I like to play with words :)
Oooh, how fun!  I love parties!  In fact, I have planned and helped to plan a ton of parties through the years, including a "This Is Your Life" for one of my dad's special birthdays (maybe his 80th?), my daughter, E's, first slumber party where we played a game (my foolish idea) with a blindfold and chocolate pudding.  I ended up washing nine little girl's blouses and one head of hair.  One of the girls  asked me if I knew where the bathroom was (in my own house)!   Yours truly also had the bright idea of putting my husband's extremely realistic gorilla mask on his sister, B, who does the world's best vocal gorilla impression, and invite each girl in to meet the "wild animal" in person.  Plenty of deliciously frightful screams.  Girls actually make more noise at a party than boys do, if you can believe that!  
Years earlier, at E's second birthday party, one of her little friends (a boy) picked up our dog's dish and passed it around to half of the children before I caught him.  (Not my idea this time!) All the guests survived.
Growing up in the country, I planned the games for our annual Christmas parties with the neighbors.  Everybody, young and old, participated in our silly games.  What a super-fun way to bridge the generation gap!  I do like to laugh . . .  and to see others laughing and having a good time!  Don't you suppose it warms God's heart to see me laughing and enjoying a good time?  And seeing you, too?
Getting back to the party going on the the Enthusiasm/Excitement Room of 2012 . . . Here I am surrounded, not only by a host of enthusiastic people to meet and get to know, but also tons of objects and activities, books and other media resources . . . more than I could even begin to explore in many years to come.  So I have lots of decisions to make as I consider my goals for the coming year.  Fasciated as I am with the vast assortment of choices, the most exciting thing is the presence of God's Holy Spirit hovering near and directing each person's attention and efforts.  Does God have something special already chosen for me to do for Him in 2012?  And for you?  I know whatever He has in His plan for us will be infinitely rewarding and fulfilling!  "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  Ephesians 2:19
However, at this time, I am feeling sort of overwhelmed by all my plans for January, not to mention the whole year!  And I need God's gift of enthusiasm right now . . . today!  So I took out my faithful 1953 first copyrighted Webster's dictionary to see exactly what I am asking for and was surprised to discover the following definition for "enthusiasm":  "orig. (origin, originally), supernatural inspiration or possession." Imagine that!?!  I guess I'm going to the right source to receive the gift of enthusiasm!  It also says "intense or eager interest; zeal."  So when I ask for enthusiasm, I am asking God to give me His "supernatural inspiration" along with "intense and eager interest, zeal" for whatever work He has chosen for me to do in the coming year.  And do you know, I think He's already answering my prayer?  Once again, I remind myself that I have chosen to submit to His plans and trust Him to give me the time and energy to tackle His assigned projects with a great measure of enthusiasm, "working unto the Lord."
Back again to exciting parties: Let's consider the biggest party of them all!  In December, I just finished reading through the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, during my daily "devotion" time (Remember last week's blog on "devotion?")  What an exciting book!  So many people avoid reading the fascinating book of Revelation because it is complicated and hard to understand, but this is the revelation given by Jesus Christ about our eternal future.  What could be more important?  Our greatest Hope is contained and set forth in this book!  Knowing that Jesus is always with me and has planned a special place for me in His perfect and glorious Kingdom is what keeps me going in this world contaminated with sin and suffering.  In fact if we ignore the last book of the Bible, we miss the end of the story . . .  God's Story . . . that He has been recording for His people from before Time began!  Why would I read all the chapters of my favorite mystery novel and skip the last chapter?  I wouldn't!  So why would I read all about God's story and skip the last chapter?
We are even promised a special blessing if we read the book of Revelation.  "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it . . . "  Revelation 1:3a 
Yes, Revelation does talk about the horrible, indescribable eternal future waiting for those who reject Jesus Christ's love and that, admittedly, is hard to read when I think of loved ones who are journeying on the Dead End Road instead of the Road of Abundant Life.  But it also begins to share a glimpse of the state of total joy and excitement that awaits God's children, those who have received His gift of salvation and follow Him along the road to Heaven.
Especially exciting are the last chapters where we read about the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, where believers become the Bride of Jesus Christ.  God is planning this party to reward His children for their faithfulness and to shower His unending supply of bountiful gifts upon them.  What a celebration that will be!  What a glorious party planned by the Creator of all things!
I'll look for you there and save a seat!  :)

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