"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Welcome to the NURTURING ROOM!
Here is one key where we see the need to spend ourselves on others.  And believe it or not, whatever we do inside this door will reward us, too!
As a mother, I have no trouble understanding the concept of the word, "nurture."  It comes very natural to me.  In fact, when I was a child, the only thing I wanted to be when I grew up was a mother (that is, besides becoming an author).
We moved to the lake when I was about 7 years old, into the house that my Dad built for us.  Nearly every summer, relatives came to visit, usually spending a week or two living with us.  I looked forward with exciting anticipation for their arrival and cried when they left.  Since our house was small, my parents decided to make over our garage into a guest house every summer.  We parked the car in a carport next to the garage, and my dad put a sink, stove and refrigerator, along with a small bathroom, on one side of the garage.  Then Mom and I stocked the cupboards with an assortment of plates, glasses, silverware, cooking utensils, etc., added a couple of folding beds and we were ready for company!
Besides making memories with my uncles, aunts and cousins, the guest room had an additional advantage for me.  I had the biggest play house of any of my friends!  During the times when we had no company, my dolls lived out there.  Each morning, I would head over to get them dressed and ready for their day.   I took time to feed my dolls between my swimming and house chores, and tucked them in bed after supper.  I learned the meaning of "nurture" as I cared for each of my precious dolls.
Webster says to nurture means to "feed or nourish, promote the development of, train, educate, etc."  Let's focus on "promote the development of."  Regarding the Christian life, I have come up with my own definition of "nurturing":  "To help others develop along The Road of Abundant Life."   
When I grew up, I no longer expected the same kind of nurturing from my parents as I had had as a child.  In fact, I no longer wanted it!  But I still needed nurturing, from God and other people.  That is one of the advantages and responsibilities of belonging to a church.  We nurture each other in the family of God.  I feel sorry for those who do not have a church family, because they are missing out on tremendous ways  to grow and experience their faith.
Now it is time to turn the key to the room headed "NURTURING."  Did you think I forgot the door again?  :)  Nope!  Not this time; just had to "set the stage."  Inside, I discover a long line of people, waiting and watching eagerly.  What are they waiting for?  A bus or some means of transportation?  They heads swivel to each side and back, and they murmur amongst themselves.  I approach one pleasant looking woman and venture a hesitant question,  "Are you all expecting a ride somewhere?"  I wondered if I should join them.
"Oh, yes" she said.  "Are you here to pick me up?"
"Well, I don't think so."  I shook my head.
Her face fell.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"You see, we all met Jesus at the Door and were welcomed into the Land of Abundant Life, but we were told to wait here for someone to pick us up and guide us along the way.  It's been a while yet, and many more people have joined us, but no one has come for any of us.   Our crowd just seems to be getting bigger."
I thought a moment.  Could it be possible?  Maybe I was supposed to pick up a few people and take with me along my journey.
"I could fit four more in my vehicle.  Would you like to come with me?"
"Oh, very much."  Her eyes brightened and she quickly turned to speak to a few people standing nearby.    Their faces also lit up with eagerness and they all picked up their belongings, preparing to come with me.
"My trunk is a little small, but I think I can get your bags inside it," I hefted the first one and placed in the the back of my trunk.
"Here, let me help," a muscular man hoisted the rest of the bags with ease and soon the job was done.
"Thanks.  Please find a seat, everybody."
There was some laughter as my guests climbered into my little vehicle and I apologized for the crowded space.  "Maybe I should have only invited three persons."
Anxious expressions appeared on all the faces.
"But we'll manage," I said.  I couldn't turn any of them out now!
It's kind of cozy," said a little girl.  "We'll get to know each other fast!"  We all laughed and the conversations began.  Several hours later, after we'd all had a nourishing meal at the next Hospitality House and prepared to split up into our own rooms for a good night's sleep, I asked myself how I had managed to journey along this road alone for so long.  I could still find time for myself at rest stops along the way, but had missed out on so much kindness and companionship.  My world is widened and my life is made more abundant by developing relationships with others!
So how do we nourish our Christian brothers and sisters in God's family?  Here are just a few ways:
1.  Share time together, worshiping our heavenly Father and studying His Word.  ". . . not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some."  Hebrews 10:25a
2.  Work together.  A common goal brings people closer.
3.  Help each other.  "In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35.
4.  Hold each other accountable . . .  to spend time reading and studying God's Word of Life.
5.  Hold each other up in prayer.
6.  Inspire each other.  "let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds," Hebrews 10:24
7. Encourage each other.  ". . . but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near."  Hebrews 10:25b
Remember we are all family. . . God's family. . . and in a family, we realize that none of us is perfect, not even the pastor!  So I ask You, Father God, to help me live with grace and forgiveness towards all people.  And I thank You also for the forgiveness and nurturing I receive from the rest of my family!
As I crawl into my comfy bed tonight in the roadside Hospitality House, my thoughts turn to the crowd of people I left waiting in the Nurture Room . . . when will their ride come?
Will you stop and pick them up?

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