"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I keep turning the EMERGENCY KEY over and over in my hand, wondering what possible kind of emergency could cause an upset in the Land of Abundant Life?
Two of the companions I picked up along the way, Daeli and Tricca, are still traveling with me.  The older man now has a vehicle of his own . . . a huge, bright green truck . . . with plenty of room to haul more passengers, if they don't mind riding in the "box!"
As Daeli, Tricca and I cautiously approach the big, red Emergency Door that pulses with flashing lights, we hear dim sounds of sirens coming from behind it.  Suddenly, the door is thrown open and a young man rushes out.  He appears to be about 17 or 18 years old, of a thin build but not scrawny, sporting pleasant features and a spiked hair cut.  He pauses as he notices our presence, yet his entire frame remains poised, a still life portrait of frozen energy.  Then his head swivels from side to side with a frantic motion as if he can't make up his mind where to go to what to do next.  Eyes agonizing with urgency lock with my own curious ones.  Quickly, he strides towards us.
"Do you know?  Have you heard?" He pants, out of breath.
"Heard what?" I asked, glancing at my two companions who appeared as confused as myself.
"I just learned," he peered around anxiously, "that the people who don't enter the Land of Abundant Life are destined for . . ."  he gulped, "an eternal hell . . . the . . . the Land of Unending Torment."
"Ohhh, that must be the Emergency," I thought to myself.  
He stared at me.  "You don't seem surprised," he remarked.  "You know this already?"
Solemnly, I replied.  "Yes, I know."
Shock transformed his countenance.  "Then . . . what are you doing about it?"
I was dumbstruck.  I had been enjoying my time here in the Abundant Land, learning new things, meeting new people, trying to encourage others and to be helpful to everyone I met.  Yet, he was right; there are others . . . others who are in desperate need.  My spirit began to absorb the contrast between my lack of insight and involvement with this young man's fervent desire to act, provoked by his first confrontation with the desperate need of those still outside of our place of security.  At the same time, I was struck with the overwhelming task of reaching them.
"But what can I do?"  I cried.
Daeli added, "What can one person do?"
Instead of answering, the young man beckoned to us.  "Come.  Come with me."  Hesitatingly, we followed.  He led us around behind the long, narrow building through a dense woods.  We must have faithfully trudged on for about ten minutes until we came to the other side of the woods where we found a vast highway we had not yet seen during our journeys in this Land.
"There.  See."  he pointed.
Along the highway walked a multitude of people, all ages . . . all sizes . . . all colors.  Some danced and sang along the way, some plodded dismally as though they could barely make it one more yard ahead.  All had the same empty look in their eyes, although their facial expressions tried to hide it . . . despair and resignation as they scanned the road ahead.  A few looked around uncertainly with a glimpse of some deep emotion I could not identify. . . maybe a combination of yearning and a glimpse of hope.
"Look at their eyes," he said.
"Yes, I see," I nodded.
"I have a plan.  Let's walk to the edge of the Land of Abundant Life.  We don't have to leave it, but see here.  We can go to the border with no trouble.  Then we can call out to them and warn them of the dangers ahead."  Excitement began to build as he talked.  "I can't reach all of them, but I can tell a few how to find the Door to enter our Land, and maybe they will tell their companions and bring them along."
His sober gaze fastened on my face.  "We can't ignore these people just because we can't tell all of them."
Tricca started to get excited, too.  "I'll run ahead to the corner.  See where the road narrows there.  Maybe I can yell to a bunch of people as they gather closer to get through the gap in the highway."
Daeli broke in, "I'm going to look for someone I can walk besides for a while before I talk with them."
"Great ideas!" I said.  "We'll separate to reach more travelers."
The young man turned to go, eager to initiate his plan of action.
"Wait!" I cried.  Suddenly, it seemed important to know his name.
"What is your name?" I asked.
He stopped and faced me.  "Ican,"  he answered.  "Ican Yucanto."
I smiled.  "Shall we pray first?"
"Of course," He looked sheepish.  "I guess I'm in too much of a hurry."
"That's okay, I admire your enthusiasm to save others from disaster.  But we need God's help.  We can't do this on our own."
We all grasped hands.
"Father God," began Ican, "Please lead us by Your Holy Spirit to the people You have prepared to hear our message."
"Give us opportunities to speak to them," was Daeli's request.
"Put the words in our mouth that you want us to use," asked Tricca.
"Please use us . . . work through us . . . to save lives.  In Jesus name, Amen," I ended the prayer.
"Let's return to this spot tomorrow and share our experiences and encourage each other," Ican suggested.
We all nodded in agreement and set off on our separate ways.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the  Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20

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