"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Here we are again at the library,  putting together the puzzle pieces of life.  Thanks for joining me . . . I need your help!
Just a reminder that since I have a very busy schedule this spring, we'll spend some time gathering a few previously written stories about my children, towards completion of the huge picture of the Prayer Puzzle.  Of course, I don't ever expect to actually finish it, but each piece we put together will be helpful since we expect to spend Eternity communicating with our heavenly Father.  So let's get started!
Oh, one more thing . . . A new contest begins today!  This one will be shorter but more challenging.  The prize will be the booklet ("hard copy," not an ebook) of "Joshua's Story."  This true life tale of God's miraculous intervention in the life of my youngest son's birth is a great gift book if you have already read the story.  We have plans to replace the FREE gift of "Joshua's Story" as an ebook for those who sign up to receive my blogs in their email box with "The First Ten Keys to the Abundant Life." So now is the time to sign up for that if you wish.

So here goes . . . "The Traveling Teddy Bear"
I was taken aback by my three-year-old daughter's question as I tucked her into bed one night.  We had just finished reading a brief devotional about Jesus' second coming.
"Will Jesus come to take us to Heaven tomorrow, Mommy?" E inquired.  Her long, silky blond hair spread over the pillow like a golden scarf and she curled on her side clutching her treasured friend, Teddy Bear, close to her heart.  Clear blue eyes flooded with anticipation as they fixed their gaze on mine.  The thought occurred to me that even Teddy seemed to have an unusually exited look about him tonight.
"Dear Jesus," I silently prayed.  "I'm glad Heaven is a reality to her, but she talks like she expects You to meet us at a bus stop.  Help me to handle this the right way."
Cautiously, I explained to E that we won't know ahead of time when Jesus will return.  But that He will meet us in the air and then take us up to be with Him forever.
Somewhat disappointed, she rolled over on her back and turned her eyes heavenward.  Then her face lit up.  "When I go to Heaven, I'm going to take my teddy bear up with me."
A slight pause, then a concerned look captured her expression as she added.  "If I don't drop him!"
The picture flashed through my mind of poor Teddy with tears in his eyes falling all the way back down to earth and I struggled to contain my smile as I reassured her with the promise that God has lots of special surprises in store for her.

How like the desires of my own heart!
I cling to my family and possessions as though by doing so, I could "add on" to Heaven's glory.
Father, please forgive me.  May my only longing throughout eternity be to see my Savior face to face and wrap myself in His loving arms.
And also, Father God, please make Your truth so real to me that my prayers are filled with the same expectant attitude of anticipation as expressed by my precious daughter.  

Back to the contest:  The titles of each letter when put together with the rest of the letters will spell another word for "Prayers."  But this time they will not be in order!  So you will have to gather them . . . as you would puzzle pieces . . . and place the letters in the proper order upon completion of this series, or maybe a bit sooner if you are sure of yourself.  In other words, the letter "T" is not necessarily the first letter of the correct word.  So just "hang onto it" until you receive more letters. . .
How many letters, you may ask?  I'll let you know later.  :)

Have a wonderful week walking and talking with our Savior!

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