"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Laughter . . . We all need it!
"A joyful heart is good medicine. . ."  Proverbs 17:22a.  We can't experience the Abundant Life without it!  When we are filled with the joy of the Lord, we often find that we are able to laugh even in the midst of trying conditions.
Today, in the middle of winter here in Minnesota . . . admittedly the mildest winter that I can remember . . . still a bit of "cabin fever" seems to be going around.  So I decided to share some laughter with you today.  I have my husband's permission to publish a short story I wrote many years ago, when my two oldest children were still young.  E, was 7 years old, and K was 4 years old.
Both previously divorced, Gary and I had gotten re-married about a month earlier.  Gary normally had to work on Sundays, but my parents, who lived at a lake, were on vacation and my dad told us to feel free to come over and use his boat whenever we felt like it.  So Gary decided to take the day off and treat the family, along with our dogs, Abby and Dolly, to "A Day at the Lake."  The following is what happened, in vivid detail,when my husband borrowed his brand new father-in-law's boat for the first . . . and last . . . time!
Please note:  I have written the story in the old "Dick, Jane, and Sally" format.  Anyone remember those books that we learned to read with back in the "olden days?"
Sample:  "See Dick run.  See Jane run.  See Sally run.  'Come here, Dick,' said Jane.  'Come here, Sally,' said Jane." Got the idea? 

"A DAY AT THE LAKE" by Linda Ruth Stai
"Let's go for a boat ride," said Daddy.
"Ok," said Mommy.  "I'll go and get the life jackets."  Mommy went into the house.
E climbed into the boat.  Abby jumped into the boat.  Dolly jumped into the boat.
Daddy started the motor.  Slowly they backed off from the dock with E, Dolly and Abby in the rear of the boat.
K yelled, "Wait for me!"
"Sput, sput," went the motor.
"Oh, oh," said Daddy.  "The motor is not working properly.  I will jump into the water and keep the boat away from the rocks."  Daddy jumped into the lake.  The back of the boat went down.  Water rushed in.
"Eek!"  screamed E.
E swam out of the boat.  Abby swam out of the boat.  Dolly swam out of the boat.
"Oh, dear," said Daddy.  "I did not put the plug in the boat.   Mommy!!!"
Mommy ran down the steps to the lake.  "What have you done, Honey?" she said.  "Oh, my."
"Help me," said Daddy.
"The boat is full of water," said Mommy.
"I know," said Daddy.
"Where is the plug?" asked Mommy.  "Why don't you put it in?"
"I cannot find it, dear," said Daddy.
"Why are you turning red?" asked Mommy.
"Grrr," said Daddy.
"Daddy," said K.  "Look at the big waves coming in the boat!"
"I see them," said Daddy.
"Daddy," said K. "Why don't you put the boat in the boat lift?"
"Grrr," said Daddy.
"Can we help?" said E.
"Go get some cans and start bailing," said Daddy.
E and K ran into the house.
"Help me lift the boat up," said Daddy to Mommy.
"It's heavy," said Mommy.
"Grrr," said Daddy.
Mommy and Daddy pushed the boat up.  Then the boat went down.  More water came into the boat.
E and K came back with two little plastic bowls.
"I will go find buckets," said Mommy.
Mommy ran upstairs and got two wastebaskets.  Daddy and Mommy bailed water out one side.  Waves rushed in the other side.
"I don't think this is working," said Mommy.
"Help me lift in onto these cement blocks," said Daddy.   Mommy and Daddy lifted the back of the boat up. A tidal wave filled up the front.
"Why don't you put a plug in?" asked Mommy.
"Grrr," said Daddy.  "Bail."
Mommy and Daddy bailed.  Waves kept coming in.  E and K watched patiently.
"I think we need help," said Mommy.  "I'll go and get the next-door-neighbors."
Mommy went to get the neighbors.  They were out for a boat ride.
"I've got an idea," said Daddy.  "Let's push the boat to the lift."
Daddy and Mommy pushed the boat under the water all the way to the boat lift.
"Isn't the boat supposed to go on top of the water?" asked K.
"Go away," said Daddy.
Mommy and Daddy tried to lift the boat onto the lift.  It didn't work.
"Go and find some other neighbors," said Daddy to Mommy.
Mommy and K went to find some other neighbors.  Daddy hung onto the boat in the water and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited.
Mommy came back with two little boys.
"Is that the best you could do?" asked Daddy.
"There are more coming," said Mommy.
Three men came over to help.  A crowd gathered on a neighbor's dock to watch.  A few children offered to help.  The men lifted the boat onto the lift.  A waterfall fell over the side.
"Thank you," said Daddy.
"Thank you," said Mommy.
"That was fun," said E.
"Let's do it again," said K.
"No," said Daddy.
May you have a day that is blessed with laughter! 

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