"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Here we are again at the library,  putting together the puzzle pieces of life.  Thanks for joining me . . . I need your help!
Just a reminder that since I have a very busy schedule this spring, we'll spend some time gathering a few previously written stories about my children, towards completion of the huge picture of the Prayer Puzzle.  Of course, I don't ever expect to actually finish it, but each piece we put together will be helpful since we expect to spend Eternity communicating with our heavenly Father.  So let's get started!
Oh, one more thing . . . A new contest begins today!  This one will be shorter but more challenging.  The prize will be the booklet ("hard copy," not an ebook) of "Joshua's Story."  This true life tale of God's miraculous intervention in the life of my youngest son's birth is a great gift book if you have already read the story.  We have plans to replace the FREE gift of "Joshua's Story" as an ebook for those who sign up to receive my blogs in their email box with "The First Ten Keys to the Abundant Life." So now is the time to sign up for that if you wish.

So here goes . . . "The Traveling Teddy Bear"
I was taken aback by my three-year-old daughter's question as I tucked her into bed one night.  We had just finished reading a brief devotional about Jesus' second coming.
"Will Jesus come to take us to Heaven tomorrow, Mommy?" E inquired.  Her long, silky blond hair spread over the pillow like a golden scarf and she curled on her side clutching her treasured friend, Teddy Bear, close to her heart.  Clear blue eyes flooded with anticipation as they fixed their gaze on mine.  The thought occurred to me that even Teddy seemed to have an unusually exited look about him tonight.
"Dear Jesus," I silently prayed.  "I'm glad Heaven is a reality to her, but she talks like she expects You to meet us at a bus stop.  Help me to handle this the right way."
Cautiously, I explained to E that we won't know ahead of time when Jesus will return.  But that He will meet us in the air and then take us up to be with Him forever.
Somewhat disappointed, she rolled over on her back and turned her eyes heavenward.  Then her face lit up.  "When I go to Heaven, I'm going to take my teddy bear up with me."
A slight pause, then a concerned look captured her expression as she added.  "If I don't drop him!"
The picture flashed through my mind of poor Teddy with tears in his eyes falling all the way back down to earth and I struggled to contain my smile as I reassured her with the promise that God has lots of special surprises in store for her.

How like the desires of my own heart!
I cling to my family and possessions as though by doing so, I could "add on" to Heaven's glory.
Father, please forgive me.  May my only longing throughout eternity be to see my Savior face to face and wrap myself in His loving arms.
And also, Father God, please make Your truth so real to me that my prayers are filled with the same expectant attitude of anticipation as expressed by my precious daughter.  

Back to the contest:  The titles of each letter when put together with the rest of the letters will spell another word for "Prayers."  But this time they will not be in order!  So you will have to gather them . . . as you would puzzle pieces . . . and place the letters in the proper order upon completion of this series, or maybe a bit sooner if you are sure of yourself.  In other words, the letter "T" is not necessarily the first letter of the correct word.  So just "hang onto it" until you receive more letters. . .
How many letters, you may ask?  I'll let you know later.  :)

Have a wonderful week walking and talking with our Savior!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"Lord, help me get it all together while I can still use it!" is my heartfelt cry today as I begin the process of putting an assortment of puzzle pieces together to assemble a "life pattern."
Please join me!  We can help each other!
This spring will be a very busy time for me, so I've decided to park my little, personally designed lavender vehicle in the parking lot of the Living Library in the Land of Abundant Living. My intention was to request from the helpful librarian writings that I had started years ago, when my children were young, to use for my next blogs.  As I headed for the stacks to pick up the requested materials, I happened upon a large oak table with a bunch of puzzles pieces scattered all over it.  Intrigued, I turned the cover of the puzzle box over to see the picture of the resulting scene. To my surprise, I found that it was blank!  Inside the cover were these instructions:  "A collection of pieces uniquely designed for your personal life pattern.  Join them together to discover wisdom that will enhance the rest of your journey in the Abundant Land."
Well, I admit I got sidetracked; so here I sit, attempting to fit the various pieces together, with no success.  However, the librarian, who evidently noticed that I failed to show up at the stacks, just brought my original writings of long ago to me at the table.
"These may be of some assistance in completing your puzzle," she suggested and then left me alone to work.   Now I am even more excited as I open the folders and inspect my previous writings.   Yes, the first ones are clues to the puzzle which is beginning to fall neatly into place!
Hmmm, let's read the first writing . . .
When I was a little girl, I thought that Wisdom was a state you arrived at.  When a woman turned the magic age of, say 23 or 24, all of a sudden she would be wise.
Now that I am past 60, I know better!  I have discovered Wisdom is not a state of being, but a process.
God has provided me with little chunks of Wisdom here and there, sort of like bits and pieces of a puzzle I need to fit together to get the whole picture.
My 85-year-old grandmother, Nonnie, whom I regarded as very wise, used to say, "You learn something new every day."  She went home to her Savior still in a state of learning.
The Bible tells us to seek Wisdom:  "Acquire wisdom!  Acquire understanding!  do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth."  Proverbs 4:5 
If I spend my whole life gathering bits and pieces of Wisdom, yet never quite seeing the whole picture, it will still be my greatest achievement.
Here in the Abundant Land, it is my pleasure to share some of the puzzle pieces God has placed into my hands, pieces gleaned from the fields of my own experience.
Your life pattern is different from mine.  My prayer is that you can add my puzzle pieces to the unique collection that God is giving you to put your puzzle together a little faster.
Then, as God directs, we can use the expanding picture to inspire and encourage others.
Someday, those of us who belong to Jesus will be permitted to view the whole picture.
When I arrive at Heaven's gate, God will unfold His final masterpiece, where He links the lives of all His children to form His perfect eternal plan.  My personal viewing will reveal the complete and final explanation in vivid detail of all I have experienced in His testing ground on earth.
All the whys will be answered . . .
     All the tears will be justified . . .
          All the hurts will be erased.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face."  1 Corinthians 13:12
Next Wednesday I'll begin to share puzzle pieces on the subject of Prayer that I've gathered from observing my own children.  I'll also offer a New Contest!  Please join me on our next exciting journey in the Land of Abundant Living!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Have you ever felt so eager to share the "Good News" of Jesus Christ with others, but didn't know how to begin?  Well, I have more good news for you!  It can be very easy!  Yes, just ask God to provide the moment and give you the wisdom to seize it and put it to productive use!  
Maybe you've noticed that the last key in what was originally a 19 letter phrase contest is now changed to 20 . . . good for you!  I like things tied up neatly, so decided I preferred a 20- Key series instead of one with 19 Keys.  I can do that if I want to; this is, after all, my blog.  :)  And since we ended last week with the Emergency Key, I thought it appropriate to tack on some encouragement with which to handle the Emergency.
I remember a short true story I wrote many years ago about an experience I had when my daughter, E, was just a toddler.  This seems to be a good time to share it . . .
God taught me the value of seizing the moment many years ago.  We had just moved into a new country house in Minnesota.  The inside of our home was completed, but the outside still needed some work.  
One hot, humid day in July, my two-year-old daughter, E, and I were home alone when half-a-dozen workmen arrived to paint the outside of our house.  We didn't have air conditioning, so I kept the windows open to catch some fresh breezes.  Almost immediately, the workmen started exchanging swear words and put-downs.
Horrified at the thought of exposing my young daughter to their crude language, I asked God for help.  An inspiration came.  If E could hear uplifting music, maybe she would ignore the men's rude comments.  So I put her favorite "Little Marcy" record on the phonograph.  Little Marcy is a woman who sings in a sweet, child-like voice about the joys of loving people and being kind to one another.  E was soon engrossed in the lilting melodies.  I breathed a sign of relief.
Before long, I noticed something else.  The swearing and insults had stopped and I began to hear phrases like "please hand me the hammer" and "excuse me a minute."  Obviously, the men could hear everything coming from inside the house as well as we could hear them!  And the words of Little Marcy were definitely influencing them!
So when Little Marcy finished her last inspiring song, I replaced the record with a selection of lively gospel sons by a male quartet.  It grew quieter yet outside.  I knew our guests also needed to see the love of Christ in action so I made a batch of brownies.  On their noon break, E and I brought the treats out to the men where they sat clustered in the shade of a few trees, eating their bag lunches.  By now, they were all perfect gentlemen.
Isnt' it amazing what God can do with small efforts on our part?  Let's keep looking for opportune moments to be used for Him!
"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men . . . "  Galatians 6:10a

Would you like to share an interesting experience you had telling the Good News to someone?  I'd love to hear it and it could be an encouragement to others!  Just scroll down a bit to the Comment section. . .

Next week I plan to begin a new series, not sure what it will be yet, but we will continue on in the Land of Abundant Living.  I never want to leave it!  Agreed?  
I have a very busy spring so will do something a little different with my blog until about the end of April.  Please join me next week to find out where I'll be parking my little vehicle for a couple of months!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I keep turning the EMERGENCY KEY over and over in my hand, wondering what possible kind of emergency could cause an upset in the Land of Abundant Life?
Two of the companions I picked up along the way, Daeli and Tricca, are still traveling with me.  The older man now has a vehicle of his own . . . a huge, bright green truck . . . with plenty of room to haul more passengers, if they don't mind riding in the "box!"
As Daeli, Tricca and I cautiously approach the big, red Emergency Door that pulses with flashing lights, we hear dim sounds of sirens coming from behind it.  Suddenly, the door is thrown open and a young man rushes out.  He appears to be about 17 or 18 years old, of a thin build but not scrawny, sporting pleasant features and a spiked hair cut.  He pauses as he notices our presence, yet his entire frame remains poised, a still life portrait of frozen energy.  Then his head swivels from side to side with a frantic motion as if he can't make up his mind where to go to what to do next.  Eyes agonizing with urgency lock with my own curious ones.  Quickly, he strides towards us.
"Do you know?  Have you heard?" He pants, out of breath.
"Heard what?" I asked, glancing at my two companions who appeared as confused as myself.
"I just learned," he peered around anxiously, "that the people who don't enter the Land of Abundant Life are destined for . . ."  he gulped, "an eternal hell . . . the . . . the Land of Unending Torment."
"Ohhh, that must be the Emergency," I thought to myself.  
He stared at me.  "You don't seem surprised," he remarked.  "You know this already?"
Solemnly, I replied.  "Yes, I know."
Shock transformed his countenance.  "Then . . . what are you doing about it?"
I was dumbstruck.  I had been enjoying my time here in the Abundant Land, learning new things, meeting new people, trying to encourage others and to be helpful to everyone I met.  Yet, he was right; there are others . . . others who are in desperate need.  My spirit began to absorb the contrast between my lack of insight and involvement with this young man's fervent desire to act, provoked by his first confrontation with the desperate need of those still outside of our place of security.  At the same time, I was struck with the overwhelming task of reaching them.
"But what can I do?"  I cried.
Daeli added, "What can one person do?"
Instead of answering, the young man beckoned to us.  "Come.  Come with me."  Hesitatingly, we followed.  He led us around behind the long, narrow building through a dense woods.  We must have faithfully trudged on for about ten minutes until we came to the other side of the woods where we found a vast highway we had not yet seen during our journeys in this Land.
"There.  See."  he pointed.
Along the highway walked a multitude of people, all ages . . . all sizes . . . all colors.  Some danced and sang along the way, some plodded dismally as though they could barely make it one more yard ahead.  All had the same empty look in their eyes, although their facial expressions tried to hide it . . . despair and resignation as they scanned the road ahead.  A few looked around uncertainly with a glimpse of some deep emotion I could not identify. . . maybe a combination of yearning and a glimpse of hope.
"Look at their eyes," he said.
"Yes, I see," I nodded.
"I have a plan.  Let's walk to the edge of the Land of Abundant Life.  We don't have to leave it, but see here.  We can go to the border with no trouble.  Then we can call out to them and warn them of the dangers ahead."  Excitement began to build as he talked.  "I can't reach all of them, but I can tell a few how to find the Door to enter our Land, and maybe they will tell their companions and bring them along."
His sober gaze fastened on my face.  "We can't ignore these people just because we can't tell all of them."
Tricca started to get excited, too.  "I'll run ahead to the corner.  See where the road narrows there.  Maybe I can yell to a bunch of people as they gather closer to get through the gap in the highway."
Daeli broke in, "I'm going to look for someone I can walk besides for a while before I talk with them."
"Great ideas!" I said.  "We'll separate to reach more travelers."
The young man turned to go, eager to initiate his plan of action.
"Wait!" I cried.  Suddenly, it seemed important to know his name.
"What is your name?" I asked.
He stopped and faced me.  "Ican,"  he answered.  "Ican Yucanto."
I smiled.  "Shall we pray first?"
"Of course," He looked sheepish.  "I guess I'm in too much of a hurry."
"That's okay, I admire your enthusiasm to save others from disaster.  But we need God's help.  We can't do this on our own."
We all grasped hands.
"Father God," began Ican, "Please lead us by Your Holy Spirit to the people You have prepared to hear our message."
"Give us opportunities to speak to them," was Daeli's request.
"Put the words in our mouth that you want us to use," asked Tricca.
"Please use us . . . work through us . . . to save lives.  In Jesus name, Amen," I ended the prayer.
"Let's return to this spot tomorrow and share our experiences and encourage each other," Ican suggested.
We all nodded in agreement and set off on our separate ways.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the  Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Laughter . . . We all need it!
"A joyful heart is good medicine. . ."  Proverbs 17:22a.  We can't experience the Abundant Life without it!  When we are filled with the joy of the Lord, we often find that we are able to laugh even in the midst of trying conditions.
Today, in the middle of winter here in Minnesota . . . admittedly the mildest winter that I can remember . . . still a bit of "cabin fever" seems to be going around.  So I decided to share some laughter with you today.  I have my husband's permission to publish a short story I wrote many years ago, when my two oldest children were still young.  E, was 7 years old, and K was 4 years old.
Both previously divorced, Gary and I had gotten re-married about a month earlier.  Gary normally had to work on Sundays, but my parents, who lived at a lake, were on vacation and my dad told us to feel free to come over and use his boat whenever we felt like it.  So Gary decided to take the day off and treat the family, along with our dogs, Abby and Dolly, to "A Day at the Lake."  The following is what happened, in vivid detail,when my husband borrowed his brand new father-in-law's boat for the first . . . and last . . . time!
Please note:  I have written the story in the old "Dick, Jane, and Sally" format.  Anyone remember those books that we learned to read with back in the "olden days?"
Sample:  "See Dick run.  See Jane run.  See Sally run.  'Come here, Dick,' said Jane.  'Come here, Sally,' said Jane." Got the idea? 

"A DAY AT THE LAKE" by Linda Ruth Stai
"Let's go for a boat ride," said Daddy.
"Ok," said Mommy.  "I'll go and get the life jackets."  Mommy went into the house.
E climbed into the boat.  Abby jumped into the boat.  Dolly jumped into the boat.
Daddy started the motor.  Slowly they backed off from the dock with E, Dolly and Abby in the rear of the boat.
K yelled, "Wait for me!"
"Sput, sput," went the motor.
"Oh, oh," said Daddy.  "The motor is not working properly.  I will jump into the water and keep the boat away from the rocks."  Daddy jumped into the lake.  The back of the boat went down.  Water rushed in.
"Eek!"  screamed E.
E swam out of the boat.  Abby swam out of the boat.  Dolly swam out of the boat.
"Oh, dear," said Daddy.  "I did not put the plug in the boat.   Mommy!!!"
Mommy ran down the steps to the lake.  "What have you done, Honey?" she said.  "Oh, my."
"Help me," said Daddy.
"The boat is full of water," said Mommy.
"I know," said Daddy.
"Where is the plug?" asked Mommy.  "Why don't you put it in?"
"I cannot find it, dear," said Daddy.
"Why are you turning red?" asked Mommy.
"Grrr," said Daddy.
"Daddy," said K.  "Look at the big waves coming in the boat!"
"I see them," said Daddy.
"Daddy," said K. "Why don't you put the boat in the boat lift?"
"Grrr," said Daddy.
"Can we help?" said E.
"Go get some cans and start bailing," said Daddy.
E and K ran into the house.
"Help me lift the boat up," said Daddy to Mommy.
"It's heavy," said Mommy.
"Grrr," said Daddy.
Mommy and Daddy pushed the boat up.  Then the boat went down.  More water came into the boat.
E and K came back with two little plastic bowls.
"I will go find buckets," said Mommy.
Mommy ran upstairs and got two wastebaskets.  Daddy and Mommy bailed water out one side.  Waves rushed in the other side.
"I don't think this is working," said Mommy.
"Help me lift in onto these cement blocks," said Daddy.   Mommy and Daddy lifted the back of the boat up. A tidal wave filled up the front.
"Why don't you put a plug in?" asked Mommy.
"Grrr," said Daddy.  "Bail."
Mommy and Daddy bailed.  Waves kept coming in.  E and K watched patiently.
"I think we need help," said Mommy.  "I'll go and get the next-door-neighbors."
Mommy went to get the neighbors.  They were out for a boat ride.
"I've got an idea," said Daddy.  "Let's push the boat to the lift."
Daddy and Mommy pushed the boat under the water all the way to the boat lift.
"Isn't the boat supposed to go on top of the water?" asked K.
"Go away," said Daddy.
Mommy and Daddy tried to lift the boat onto the lift.  It didn't work.
"Go and find some other neighbors," said Daddy to Mommy.
Mommy and K went to find some other neighbors.  Daddy hung onto the boat in the water and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited.
Mommy came back with two little boys.
"Is that the best you could do?" asked Daddy.
"There are more coming," said Mommy.
Three men came over to help.  A crowd gathered on a neighbor's dock to watch.  A few children offered to help.  The men lifted the boat onto the lift.  A waterfall fell over the side.
"Thank you," said Daddy.
"Thank you," said Mommy.
"That was fun," said E.
"Let's do it again," said K.
"No," said Daddy.
May you have a day that is blessed with laughter!