"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Thank you, Father God, for the alligator in my sink!  
. . . We interrupt this blog to share some good news!  WE HAVE A CONTEST WINNER!  Congratulations go to Rose Finstrom from North Dakota for her answer of "Talks."  If you remember, the contest was to take the first letters of each title word from my "Library Stack" series and rearrange them to spell out a word that could be another word for "Prayers." After all, even though the process of praying involves many components, it is basically  simple communication with our Heavenly Father by "talking" to Him. 
So Rose will receive her free Joshua Story book, which tells the true story of the miraculous birth of my youngest son.  
Next week I'll blog about one of my children using the Easter theme, and the following Wednesday a new series will begin!  Thanks, again, for being my "blog friends!"  I hope that these blogs are a source of encouragement as we journey together in the Land of Abundant Life!

And now we return to our final story from the "Library Stacks"series:  
Thank You, Father God, for the alligator in my sink.  
I'm in the midst of re-arranging and re-organizing the week after my oldest son, K, left for college.  How I miss him!
We switched the boys' bedrooms around to give J the largest one now since he is the only child left at home.  J, my just-turned-twelve-year-old, is happy about his new bedroom, but sad to have his older brother gone.
I'm packing boxes, throwing junk that's been hoarded for years . . . usually by me.  Once I had to take the same item, a treasured memory, out of K's wastebasket three times.  Talk about frustrating! He finally got the idea so now I am the one sorting through treasures and non-treasures.  :)
As I hurried past the bathroom I caught a glimpse of something green in the sink.  Peering closer, I recognized the shape of J's "pet" alligator.  K brought it back for him a couple of years earlier as a gift from a trip to Florida.
The toy alligator "grows" if it is soaked in water.  J evidently discovered it beneath a pile of stuff in his former bedroom and decided to revive it . . to set it free.
Oh, Lord, in my sorrow over the absence of one son, you chose this way to remind me that there is still a child in the house . . . soon to be a teen-ager . . . but one who still relies on his mom.
Like the alligator grows as he absorbs the water, immerse J in the water of life so he will grow in wisdom and compassion as he shoots upward in stature.
Help me be the kind of mother J needs.  Show me how to provide an environment of spiritual growth for him . . . the kind of stretching, yet secure, surroundings that he needs.

Thank You, Father, for once again showing me the work You have planned for me to accomplish during my time on this earth.  Focus me on the job yet to be accomplished!

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