"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

KEY SB#15: "Return to the Little, White Church"

"Grandma!  I want to go back to the little, old, white church in the woods.  Can we, please?" Big C, my  seven-year-old grandson, asks with an expectant smile on his face.

"Me, too!" exclaims his two-year-old brother, Little c.  "Me pway organ!"
"I think that's a great way to end our fabulous summer adventure together in the Land of Abundant Life!"  I respond with enthusiasm.  "Soon I'll have to bring you back home to Mommy and Daddy and then you will start school again, Big C."
(NOTE:  If you want to read about our previous adventures this summer, please see the archives on the right side of my blog.)
We climb back into my little, lavender vehicle and start up the long, gravel one-car road that has grass growing through the middle of it.  This time, Little c spots the church first.  "There it is, Gamma!  I see it!"  He claps his tiny hands with glee.
"And there is the graveyard that our great-grandma used to study her Bible with her friends," points out Big C as we drive by it slowly on our way to the church.

When the car stops, both boys race me to the church and fling open the heavy double doorway.
Inside, we are once again struck quiet with wonder and awe of the respectful dignity of the chapel.  That is, until Little c spots the ancient organ and runs to climb on the stool.
Little c begins to play a tune that sounds vaguely familiar to me.
"I like the altar," Big C shares important knowledge, "That is where the pastor tells the people about what's in God's Word, the Bible."

'That is very true, Big C," I affirm him.  "The best thing about church is learning about God and getting to know Him better."
Intrigued, I start to hum along with the melody Little is playing.
"OH," my face lights up, "now I remember that song.  It's called 'The Little Brown Church in the Wildwood.'  I sang that song many times when I was a child in country school.  The words starts to flow from my mouth as my grandsons join in:
'There's a church in the valley by the wildwood;
No lovelier church in the dale.
No place is so dear to my childhood
As the little brown church in the vale."
"That's a nice song, Grandma, but this church is white," points out Big C.
"I know, but this church is also in a woods, and it is small and very special to my heart.  My own church was special to me, too, as a child, because that is one place that I learned about God.  I am so glad that you go to church with your Mommy and Daddy to hear God's Word.  Let's sing it again as the 'little, white church by the wildwood."
At the finish of the chorus, I have a suggestion to make.  "Now that we have seen the church, there is one more secret place that I want to take you.  We are going to go deep into the woods behind the church so I can show you something interesting.  
"Hold Grandma's hand, Little c, and let's all go look for the hidden path in between the trees. . . "


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