"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Can this be?  A garbage truck is the first Roadblock along my deeper pathway into the Land of Abundant Living?  I suppose there would necessarily be garbage even here in the Land, but why does the truck have to take up the whole roadway?  It  is even parked sideways, stretching completely across the road!  I have no option but to bring my stylish lavender vehicle to a stop and wait it out.
NOTE:  I apologize for the late blog this week!  We are in the process of transferring to word press and are running into some glitches.  Thanks for bearing with me . . . hope to get back on schedule soon!
Tapping my fingers against the steering wheel with nervous impatience, I remind myself that as soon as the garbage men finish their work, I'll be moving on to greater discoveries in wisdom and insight that were promised me at the beginning of this journey.  Not much insight is revealed by staring at the side of a garbage truck. . .
Then I remember an incident that occurred about twenty years ago.   In fact the situation is becoming quite clear in my mind.  It happened when my husband and I were celebrating our tenth anniversary in Hawaii . . . "It was a dream come true, one whole week in Hawaii with my husband!  Gary and I had left our three children in the care of delighted grandparents while we hopped on a plane to celebrate our tenth anniversary in a style to which we were not accustomed!
The climate was perfect, 75-80 degrees and continuously sunny, a true tropical paradise.  Our hotel was situated on the ocean shore.  The view from our balcony displayed a panoramic scene of mountain grandeur adorned with lush greenery and crested peaks.  The heady scent of tropical flowers hung in the air. 
I felt like I'd stepped into a painting.  
Reclining on the balcony inthe stillness of the morning snuggled in my white terry cloth robe, I sipped a cup of steaming herb tea.  Soft breezes caressed my hair.  The only sound was the melodic chirping of birds as they lifted their silver-toned voices in a harmony of praise.
It was the perfect setting for my quiet time with God.  I sighed contentedly, reached for my Bible and began to read.
Suddenly, a loud, clamoring noise creashed into my serenity.  Gancing up, I watched a huge, ungainly garbage truck rumble down the street and come to a stop directly in front of my hotel.
Two men leaped out of the cab, grabbed nearby trash cans and began the repulsive job of dumping refuge. 
Screeching gears rose to a crescendo as the hungry, gaping mouth of the vehicle opened to receive its meal.  The chorus of birds was silenced by the bellowing atrocity.  Stale oders replaced the scents of fragrant blossoms.  An abundance of putrid waste forced a mood of stark reality into the immaculate setting.  Grating noises reverbrated across the jagged edges of my nerves.  'Why do they have to do that now?' I inwardly groaned, irritated that the racket would spoil my quiet time with God.
Then it hit me.
Just as the unwelcome intrusion of the noisy garbage truck defaced the perfect scene in front of me, so the rotten core of my sin often marred the perfect picture of my fellowship with God.
In fact, wasn't I out here on the balcony for the same purpose that the garbage truck had made its appearance?  To dump my own trash?  To dump my trash load of sin at the feet of my heavenly Father so He could dispose of it properly under the blood of Jesus?
I bowed my head and began to confess my sins.
The garbage men finished their repugnant chore and guided the cumbersome vehicle farther down the street. 
Peace was restored, in the beauty of the splendor set before me.
And also restored in my heart."  

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