"I'd like you to join me on Wednesdays as together we examine ideas and concepts on how to truly Live Life and experience all this life has to offer. I believe that when we walk with God, He enables us to live beyond the limits we see ahead on our path, growing and stretching us to heights and lengths we never thought possible! Please come along and see what God has is store for us on this journey through life!"
Love, Linda

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Driving on for a while the following morning, I discover another "pull over" rest stop and climb out to stretch my weary legs.  Looking over this railing, I spot another pleasant sight, though completely different from the one I saw the previous day.  Yesterday, I enjoyed watching children in all stages of life, from conception and on.
Today I see the other end of the spectrum . . . the elderly . . . mixing and mingling, or sitting in peaceful solitude.   I spot one old woman whose skin is covered with deep wrinkled crevices  . . . who walks with a hunched over back, hanging onto a cane for support.  As though sensing my stare, she stops to smile and give me a wave.  As I wave back, I feel an almost tangible connection made between our souls that is not hindered by age barriers.  Her spirit is whole and complete, yet she lives in a body that is obviously wearing out.   We both have the similar emotions, wants and needs as that of any other woman . . . of any age.   Sometimes when I look in my mirror I get surprised because the face that stares back appears older than I feel.  When she looks in the mirror of her mind, does she see a young maiden with her whole life ahead of her? Or does she merely see a body that is slowing fading away?
What must it be like to have a whole lifetime of experiences wrapped up in a failing body? What is her story?  How many emotions has she encountered in her time of existence on this Earth?  Perhaps she has experienced the entire range of feelings.  Did she give birth to many children?  Or "mother" nieces and nephews?  Did she loose a loved one?  Or several loved ones?  
Who takes care of her?  Who listens to her?  Who visits her? 
Is she treated with dignity and respect?  Does she find the opportunity to pass on to others wisdom she has struggled and suffered for years to attain?  Are her prayers more fervent than mine since she has known so much of life that I have yet to discover?  Does anyone take the time to learn from her vast range of life-history?  Okay, I know I'm past sixty . . . just barely . . . :)  but I don't feel old at all yet.  I hope I never do!  My body still works quite well and my mind . . . well, that's another subject!  :)  But I'm not elderly and I hope and pray that when I reach that stage of life, God will still use me to extend His love and goodness to others, to share things that I have learned . . . often the hard way . . . on this journey through Life so that others can benefit from my own experiences.  "O God, You have taught me from my youth; and to this day I declare Your wondrous works.  Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come."  Psalm 71:17-18

How important is one elderly woman in the everyday kaleidoscope of youth, activity, busy-ness and progress?  I sense that The Master considers her of extreme importance.  
And so must I.

The old woman turns as a thin, kindly-looking man approaches her.  He takes one hand and they look up at each other, smile with their eyes as only two souls who mated for life can, turn and walk slowly away.
I wipe a tear from my eye.
copyright 2012 linda ruth stai--author and inspirational speaker

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